Category: Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, May 17 Bulletin

Sunday, May 17 Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, May 17 at 10:30 a.m. at

CLICK HERE for the Bulletin

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                   

The Gospel lesson for this morning is John 14: 15-21. As Jesus promised, God’s presence abides in us through the Spirit – our advocate, comforter, and encourager – and the practice of love. God’s nearness in Spirit blesses us in our witness. The hallmark of this relationship is love expressed in word and deed.  The nearness of God’s presence is underscored by Paul’s address to the Athenians, recorded in Acts 17:22–31. As Paul’s witness proclaims the saving love of God in Christ, a church forms and grows. Even when God’s presence is unrecognized, God in Christ draws near.

As you prepare your worship center for this Sunday, place your heart on your table as a reminder that we are called to be faces of God’s love.     Send a photo of your worship center to Pastor Daniel at    

Sunday, May 10th Bulletin

Sunday, May 10th Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, May 3 at 10:30 a.m. at

CLICK HERE for the Bulletin

Fifth Sunday of Easter

In 1 Peter 2:2–10, the readers are thought to have been Gentiles who became followers of Jesus. They are scattered throughout the lands of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas under the rule of the Roman Empire and its culture. This letter aspires to guide and inspire them in their daily lives as they are grown into the ways of being God’s own people, recipients of God’s mercy and inclusion. The language/theme of rocks/stones continues through this passage with Christ being portrayed as both a precious cornerstone for those who trust in him and as a stumbling block to those who don’t. This theme connects in part to today’s gospel reading, John 14:1–14.  Jesus, as part of his farewell discourse before betrayal and execution, speaks words of reassurance to his disciples.                                                                                                                   
For Your Worship Centers on Sunday, have your candle and Bible, and include the heart that came in your packet from the church this week.  Add some fresh flowers from your garden.  You may also consider adding a stone to represent Christ as the cornerstone for our lives and faith.

Take a photo and post it on Facebook or send it to


Sunday, May 3rd Bulletin

Sunday, May 3rd Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, May 3 at 10:30 a.m. at


Fourth Sunday of Easter
The readings from Acts in the Season of Easter relate accounts of the earliest Christian community. We learn in Acts 2: 42-47 that this body is formed by Christ and nourished by the Spirit through teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. Such daily actions continue to bring the Body of Christ to life and shape its powerful witness to its neighbors   A powerful witness to the closeness of the relationship between shepherd and sheep, between Christ and the church, is at the heart of John 10:1–10. This relationship leads to abundant life.
For Your Worship Centers on Sunday, May 3
Have bread or a cracker and  a cup of water or juice or wine for our time of communion.
This Sunday, we will be hearing about how the followers of Jesus got together often to worship, eat a meal together, and recall the stories and teachings of Jesus. They would share whatever they had with one another.
Add to your worship table an object or a word written on a piece of paper to symbolize something you might share with others.  Take a photo and post it on Facebook or send it to 
Sunday, April 26 Bulletin

Sunday, April 26 Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, April 26 at 10:30 a.m. at


Third Sunday of Easter
The Gospel lesson for this Sunday, Luke 24: 13-35, tells a story of the afternoon of the first Easter.  As two disciples are walking to the village of Emmaus they encounter a mysterious stranger.  In Acts 2:14a, 36–41, Peter’s preaching on the Jerusalem streets “cut to the heart” of those who listened.

Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth so that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart. ~ I Peter 1:22
When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?”  ~ Luke 24:30-32

Jesus’ table ministry was a preeminent way that he showed and shared the depth of love unseen in his time. He ate and spent time with those considered unworthy of his attention. Even in his post-resurrection appearances, it was in the breaking of bread that he was “recognized.” As we gather around his Table this day, we remember that, at the heart, his message was unconditional love.

At your Worship Center this Sunday, please include a loaf of bread or a piece of bread.  Take a photo and post it on Facebook or send it to