At Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ (ERUCC), we follow the call of Jesus to love our neighbors, seek justice, and affirm the dignity of all people. In the spirit of Jesus, who stood with the oppressed and called all people beloved, we affirm that:
– Immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees are beloved by God. No human is illegal in the eyes of the Divine.
– Trans and non-binary people are beloved by God, created in God’s image, whole and holy.
– LGBTQ+ individuals are beloved by God, worthy of dignity, love, and full inclusion in every space.
– People of color are beloved by God, fearfully and wonderfully made, deserving of justice and equity.
– People with disabilities are beloved by God, not to be mocked or cast aside, but honored in their full humanity.
– Women and those who advocate for reproductive justice are beloved by God, entrusted with sacred agency over their own bodies.
– Muslims, Jews, and all religious minorities are beloved by God, called to worship freely without fear of persecution.
– The poor and working class are beloved by God, not forgotten but central to the Gospel’s call for justice.
– Environmental advocates and Indigenous land protectors are beloved by God, caretakers of the sacred gift of creation.
– Civil servants and public workers are beloved by God, blessed by the Holy Spirit with integrity and dedication to the common good of all people.
As followers of Christ, ERUCC stands against any policy, rhetoric, or action that dehumanizes, marginalizes, or seeks to erase the dignity of these beloved children of God. We commit ourselves to justice, compassion, and the radical love that Christ embodied.
No exceptions. No exclusions. All are welcome, all are affirmed, all are beloved.