Category: News

February 16, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 16, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 16  – Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

1 Corinthians 15:12–20  |  Luke 6:17–26

Blessed are we who…There are many ways to consider ourselves blessed. But being blessed doesn’t stop at receiving a blessing. The blessing goes beyond the gift. Accepting Christ’s blessing is as much about giving as receiving. It changes the core of who we are. Christ is alive in us. Christ’s love and teachings are written in our hearts. The good news shared in Luke 6:17–26 is that our faith is not merely a call to ethics, it is a call to relationship with our communities, with our culture, and with the God who is ever-faithful to us as God’s beloved children.

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 16 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

February 9, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 9, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 9 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | Luke 5:1–11

Approaching life with the willingness to be surprised is a spiritual practice. We often think we know the results. When we believe we can predict the outcome, we start to underestimate ourselves, judge others and withdraw our faith from God. Sometimes, God asks us to be open to the possibilities, to take another look, and to try again.

The Rev. Sheresa Simpson-Rice will preach and lead us in worship today. Spirit will be sharing in music leadership and Young Spirit will offer a special anthem.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 9 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

An Affirmation of God’s Beloved

An Affirmation of God’s Beloved

At Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ (ERUCC), we follow the call of Jesus to love our neighbors, seek justice, and affirm the dignity of all people. In the spirit of Jesus, who stood with the oppressed and called all people beloved, we affirm that:

Immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees are beloved by God. No human is illegal in the eyes of the Divine.

Trans and non-binary people are beloved by God, created in God’s image, whole and holy.

LGBTQ+ individuals are beloved by God, worthy of dignity, love, and full inclusion in every space.

People of color are beloved by God, fearfully and wonderfully made, deserving of justice and equity.

People with disabilities are beloved by God, not to be mocked or cast aside, but honored in their full humanity.

Women and those who advocate for reproductive justice are beloved by God, entrusted with sacred agency over their own bodies.

Muslims, Jews, and all religious minorities are beloved by God, called to worship freely without fear of persecution.

The poor and working class are beloved by God, not forgotten but central to the Gospel’s call for justice.

Environmental advocates and Indigenous land protectors are beloved by God, caretakers of the sacred gift of creation.

Civil servants and public workers are beloved by God, blessed by the Holy Spirit with integrity and dedication to the common good of all people.

As followers of Christ, ERUCC stands against any policy, rhetoric, or action that dehumanizes, marginalizes, or seeks to erase the dignity of these beloved children of God. We commit ourselves to justice, compassion, and the radical love that Christ embodied.

No exceptions. No exclusions. All are welcome, all are affirmed, all are beloved.

February 2, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 2, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 2 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

1 Corinthians 13:1–13 | Luke 4:21–30

God’s Word has the power to create, curtail, refine, shape, challenge, build, and plant. The power of God’s Word has been described over and over in scripture, yet we can forget to leverage its strength in our efforts to transform our lives and our communities. This week’s scripture readings call us to consider the ways that God’s Word could create, refine, strengthen, and replant our lives in a way that enlivens the Spirit, pleases God, and makes the reign of God more visible for all who seek hope in a hurting world.

We will share in communion at the chancel rail this morning. If you are worshiping virtually, we invite you to prepare bread or crackers and water or juice. The Senior Choir will be singing. Children’s Music and Movement will share special music.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

February 2 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

January 26, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 26, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 26 – Third Sunday after Epiphany

1 Corinthians 12:12–31a   |  Luke 4:14–21

As we follow the light of Christ into the world in the Season after the Epiphany, this week’s scripture readings offer guidance about how to live in a way that pleases God. These passages reveal how those who “hear” can live into the fullness of who God created us to be.

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 26 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

January 19, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 19, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 19 – Second Sunday after Epiphany

1 Corinthians 12:1–11 | John 2:1–11

Today’s scriptures remind us to stay open to the new places and new ways that God’s work is revealed. Sometimes, we fall prey to the tendency to see God’s activity in predictable places. We forget that scripture shows us, again and again, that God acts in unexpected ways. In 1 Corinthians 12:1–11, the Holy Spirit manifests individualized gifts in each person and Jesus performs a miracle at a wedding in Cana in John 2:1–11.

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 19 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

January 12, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 12, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 12 – Baptism of Christ Sunday

Isaiah 43:1-7 | Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Luke’s account of Jesus’ baptism identifies Jesus as the manifestation of God’s salvation as described in the Hebrew Scriptures. In the same way that Luke’s baptism narrative invites us to take a backward glance at the promises of the Hebrew Scriptures, this week’s Isaiah passage encourages a future gaze to the fulfillment of God’s promise to one day gather people from East, West, North, and South in the realm of God. This week’s backward glance and future gaze remind us that Jesus is the center of all of God’s promises.

This day, we celebrate Jesus’ baptism and remember the role our baptism has played in our lives. It is a day we also remember that along with Jesus, we are beloved by God and empowered to participate in God’s healing work in the world. Spirit will be sharing in music leadership.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 12 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

January 5, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 5, 2025 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 5 – Epiphany
The Road Isn’t Straight

Matthew 2:1-12 | Isaiah 43:16-21

Too often, we’ve been told that a successful life is a linear one. But in reality, our lives unfold with many unexpected twists and turns. The Magi follow a star, embarking on a long journey in a foreign land to honor the newborn Christ. Instead of returning to Herod as commanded, they trust their dreams and go home by another way. Their road isn’t straight, but God “makes a way in the wilderness” (Isaiah 43:19) as they follow their intuition and diverge from the expected path.

We will share communion at the chancel rail this morning and receive our star words for the year. The Senior Choir will be singing.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

January 5 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

December 29, 2024 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

December 29, 2024 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

December 29 – First Sunday After Christmas
Don’t Forget to Laugh

Psalm 148  |  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The birth of Christ brings good news of great joy to all people, which is cause for celebration. On this Sunday after Christmas, we encourage you to be playful, not to take yourself too seriously, to laugh. For laughter is like hope—it has a ripple effect. It’s one of many ways we live and share good news.

Today, we celebrate our annual lessons and carols service with our college students reading the scriptures. The Senior Choir will be singing. The Cambridge Handbell Choir will share special music.

Livestream 10:30 AM Worship Service

December 29 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.

Christmas Eve – 7:30 PM Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve – 7:30 PM Candlelight Service

December 24– Christmas Eve
Love Knows Your Name

Christ’s birth makes the vastness of God personal. The God who made the seas and the stars is also the God who made your beautiful hair and your striking eyes. The God of creation takes on flesh, which means you are fully known. When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you . . . a savior is born.” This birth is good news for everyone, especially those who are ignored or disenfranchised. On this night, God is born, and this God of love knows your name.

Livestream 7:30 PM Worship Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a Christmas Eve Children’s worship service at 5:30 PM and a Christmas Eve Communion and Candlelight Service at 10:30 PM in the Sanctuary.