The letter of James speaks of the qualities of teachers and the power of words and speech for good and for will. In our reading from Mark 8: 27-28, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” Peter responds by answering, “You are the Messiah.”
Our Season of Stewardship begins with thoughts from Tommie Bradshaw. The Senior Choir returns to share their wonderful gifts with us.
We are excited to share this first edition of a refreshed Trinity Chimes.
Earlier this year, after much reflection and discussion, we decided to embark on a journey to transform our newsletter into something that goes beyond simply sharing information—it will instead seek to serve as a source of inspiration, connection, and spiritual nourishment for our entire congregation.
Our goal is to create a newsletter that truly reflects who we are as a church family, highlighting the stories, experiences, and faith journeys that make our community so special. We want to use Trinity Chimes to showcase God’s work in our lives and to provide encouragement to deepen our discipleship.
Through this refreshed format, we hope to foster greater community and connection, inspire active engagement with our mission, and nourish spiritual growth. We’ll be incorporating more photos, short-form pieces, and human-interest stories to bring the life of our congregation into these pages.
Our previous format required a demanding cycle to produce a quality piece each month. Our new approach will be published on a quarterly basis. We hope this new schedule will alleviate some of the pressures placed on volunteers and staff who serve as contributors, designers, proofreaders, and editors while still delivering a meaningful and impactful newsletter that truly reflects the heart of our church community.
Thank you for being part of this journey. We look forward to seeing how God will use Trinity Chimes to bless and inspire us all.
Read the Fall 2024 edition of Trinity Chimes below or download HERE.
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September 8 –Rejoice in Our Welcome Sunday | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
James 2:1-17 | Mark 7:24-27
The first lesson, James 2:1-17, relates the responsibilities of Christians, emphasizing charity as a sign of living faith. In the Gospel lesson from Mark 7:24-27, Jesus is encountered by a Syrophoenician woman who earnestly asks him to heal her daughter. Though the woman and her daughter are Gentiles, Jesus reaches out in compassion and heals the daughter.
We will celebrate Rejoice in Our Welcome Sunday! We will commission and bless those leading Christian education and formation for the coming year. Spirit will be sharing in music leadership this morning.
God acts in our lives with generosity and love. We are children of the God of lights; we are fruit born through the generosity of God and by the word of truth. Generosity is at the heart of who we are. How do we act on our beliefs about God? How do we live out the word of God? The reading from James challenges us to find connections between what we believe and say about God and the actions we take each day.
We will share in communion at the chancel rail this morning. The Rev. Phyllis Byrd, a Global Ministries mission co-worker in Nairobi, Kenya, who serves with the Organization of Africa Instituted Churches (OAIC) as its Director of its Just Communities program, will share about her work. Rev. Byrd’s appointment to mission work by the United Church of Christ is made possible in part by our contributions to Our Church’s Wider Mission. Jenna Duranko will share music on the marimba.
Together, this week’s readings remind us of the mutual indwelling of God in us and us in God. Psalm 84 celebrates the temple as a dwelling place for God. “How lovely is your dwelling place” sing the pilgrims as they enter the temple in Jerusalem. They have reached this place of prayer, preparation, and sustenance. In John 6:56–69, Jesus’ own disciples seem to be offended by his teachings, yet Peter recognizes that in Jesus is the “Holy One of God.” In Christ, a dwelling place of God, they have found their home and strength to go on when others have turned back.
The Rev. Kirstin Shrom-Rhoads will preach and lead worship. We will also honor the milestone ordination anniversaries of Rev. Fred Wenner, Rev. Robert Manthey, Rev. Kirstin Shrom-Rhoads, and, posthumously, Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry.
In 1 Kings 2:10–12; 3:3–14, Solomon becomes king, and is a fine exemplar of a wise person with his request for the gift of discernment. People listening to Jesus, struggle to discern his message in John 6:51–58. Just as God provides wisdom to Solomon, Jesus provides spiritual nourishment to the people. Together, these passages affirm the centrality of God’s gift of wisdom in the life of faith. Our scriptures remind us through encouragement, example, prayer, and story, to take care and remain attentive to the way of God, the way of wisdom.
The Rev. David Cooney will be preaching and leading worship. We will celebrate our annual Blessing of the Backpacks.
Living and loving like Jesus is hard, and many of us struggle to live in ways that are worthy of God’s call. Faithful living is complicated because we live in a broken world. John 6:35, 41–51 offers a reminder of how followers of Jesus may be sustained and equipped for the work of turning from anger towards love. Love is not easy, soft, or nice. Sometimes, it can begin with anger and takes that anger as the impetus for challenging injustice, seeking liberation, and working for healing. The church is called to be such an agent for transformation in the world; ourselves transformed by the love of God.
God calls us to live a connected life, to come together in community, and to grow together in truth and love. What we do matters – to ourselves personally, to our community, to the world, to God. The way we respond to the circumstances that we find ourselves in will influence everything around us. . The reading from Samuel doesn’t gloss over criticism of David’s behavior. However, David’s recognition of wrongdoing and desire for forgiveness and mercy in this reading are met with forgiveness. Similarly, Jesus meets the crowd’s superficial understanding of him and his message with grace and promise.
God’s abundant presence sustains us in all circumstances. God provides more than we need – food, faith, grace, salvation. We are called to respond to God’s activity among us, ordering our lives in ways that proclaim and extend God’s abundant gifts to others. In 2 Samuel 11:1–15, God acted in David’s life with an abundance that sustained David, yet David makes foolish and selfish decisions as he abandons God’s way. In John 6:1-21, it would be easy to spend time focusing on the miracles that are the headline stories, but perhaps in doing so, we miss an important revelation about who the person of Jesus was and what he revealed about the reign of God, its welcome, generosity, and dependability.
July 21– Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 7:1-14a | Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
The church is called to be an extraordinary place, a place of inclusion and reconciliation, where divisions are demolished, strangers become family, aliens become citizens, a place where the excluded and disenfranchised are welcome. That’s a tough call, but through the redeeming love of Christ and the powerful reconciling spirit of God, it is possible. This week’s scripture readings celebrate God’s loving vision for healing, wholeness, and unity, and the compassion of God who provides a home to the homeless, healing for the sick, and welcome to those considered outsiders.