Category: Announcements

June 18, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

June 18, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Genesis 18: 1-15  | Matthew 9: 35 – 10:8

While Abraham is offering radical hospitality to strangers, he is told that his wife Sarah will bear a son. This strikes both Abraham and Sarah as funny, given their advanced age. The visitor is surprised by the response asking, “Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?” How do we respond to the dichotomy of reason and miracle? How do we answer the visitor’s question? The sermon will be about the impossible being possible.

The Rev. David Cooney will be preaching and leading worship. The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the June 18 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

June 11, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

June 11, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Genesis 12:1-9 | Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26

In Genesis 12, Abraham is called at an old age to leave his home and settle in a new land. The call comes with a promise that God will make of him a great nation. Abraham obeys and, along with an entourage of family members and servants, leaves Haran and travels south to Canaan. What would motivate you to leave your home well-past retirement age and move to an unknown location? Abraham stands as the first of the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – and is the first participant in the covenant between God and Israel. The sermon is about change being scary good.

The Rev. David Cooney will be preaching and leading worship. We will be sharing communion at the chancel rail this morning. Spirit will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the June 11 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

June 4, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

June 4, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Trinity Sunday

2 Corinthians 13:11–13 appeals to the Corinthians to put things in order, to agree with one another, to live together in peace. We might hear a call to the church to remember that God’s essential act is one of love and to live back into the gracious and good dominion of God. In Matthew 28:16–20, Jesus bestows authority upon followers to carry the good news of God’s love to all places. The promise in verse 20 asserts that Jesus is the assurance that God will not abandon the community of creation.

On this Trinity Sunday, the readings invite us to explore and celebrate the many ways God is revealed in and through continuing relationships within this good creation. God entrusts remarkable potential to all that is created. New beginnings emerge as the community of creation lives into such promise.

During the 10:30 a.m. service, we will give thanks for Pastor Daniel’s ministry and honor her retirement with a farewell prayer. The Senior Choir. Children’s Music and Movement, and Young Spirit will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the June 4 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

May 28, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

May 28, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.


Despite what appears to be chaos in the amazing account of this day of Pentecost, Acts 2: 1-21, order rests in God’s hands. God’s Spirit pours abundantly on the community of disciples, renewing them with a diversity of gifts for the common good. Jesus promises his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit in John 7: 37-39.

Today we will be celebrating the rite of confirmation as we welcome Quynn Adkins, Eli Baker, Peyton Bowen, Lucas Nguyen-Powell, and Katie Zander.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the May 28 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

May 21, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

May 21, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Jesus makes clear in Acts 1: 6-14, that the role of a disciple is to be Jesus’ witnesses throughout the world, under the power of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel lesson, John 17: 1-11, is part of Jesus’ final prayer with the disciples, preparing them for their lives as witnesses to the saving love of God.

This morning we will be honoring our graduates.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the May 21 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

May 14, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

May 14, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Gospel lesson for this morning is John 14: 15-21. As Jesus promised, God’s presence abides in us through the Spirit – our advocate, comforter, and encourager – and the practice of love. God’s nearness in Spirit blesses us in our witness. The hallmark of this relationship is love expressed in word and deed. The nearness of God’s presence is underscored by Paul’s address to the Athenians, recorded in Acts 17:22–31. As Paul’s witness proclaims the saving love of God in Christ, a church forms and grows. Even when God’s presence is unrecognized, God in Christ draws near.

Spirit will be singing. The Cambridge and Coventry Bell Choirs will be ringing. This morning we will be celebrating the baptism of Hayes Messner into the life of the church and ordaining and installing the newly elected leadership of the church.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the May 14 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

May 7, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

May 7, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Fifth Sunday of Easter

In 1 Peter 2:2–10, the readers are thought to have been Gentiles who became followers of Jesus. They are scattered throughout the lands of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas under the rule of the Roman empire and its culture. This letter aspires to guide and inspire them in their daily lives as they are grown into the ways of being God’s own people, recipients of God’s mercy and inclusion. The language/theme of rocks/stones continues through this passage with Christ being portrayed as both a precious cornerstone for those who trust in him and as a stumbling block to those who don’t. This theme connects in part to today’s gospel reading, John 14:1–14. Jesus, as part of his farewell discourse before betrayal and execution, speaks words of reassurance to his disciples.

We will be sharing communion this morning. The Senior Choir will be singing. The annual meeting of the congregation will be held in the Community Room / Zoom following worship.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the May 7 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

April 30, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

April 30, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Fourth Sunday of Easter

The readings from Acts in the Season of Easter relate accounts of the earliest Christian community. We learn in Acts 2: 42-47 that this body is formed by Christ and nourished by the Spirit through teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. Such daily actions continue to bring the Body of Christ to life and shape its powerful witness to its neighbors A powerful witness to the closeness of the relationship between shepherd and sheep, between Christ and the church, is at the heart of John 10:1–10. This relationship leads to abundant life.

Pastor Kirstin will be preaching. The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the April 30 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.