Author: Evangelical Reformed UCC

Thursday Thoughts, May 7,2020

Thursday Thoughts, May 7,2020

Click Here for your May 7, 2020 Thursday Thoughts


***Please note that the 8:30 Service and 9:30 Educational Classes are suspended.
The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW:  007681

Dear Congregation:

Thanks to all of you who were able to participate in last Sunday’s annual meeting via Zoom Call.  It was great to see your faces, watch you greet one another, and see how we could interact with this technology.

As I shared in my sermon on Sunday, we are in what some call a “liminal” or threshold time. Susan Beamont, author of How to Lead When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going describes these days as a liminal season.  “Liminality refers to a quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs during transition, when a person or group of people is in between something that has ended and something else that is not yet ready to begin.   She refers to liminal seasons in the Bible such as the journey of the people of Israel through the wilderness, Jesus’ time in the desert, the time between Easter and Pentecost.

Thursday Thoughts – April 30, 2020

Thursday Thoughts – April 30, 2020

Dear Congregation:

We are entering a new world on Sunday with our annual congregational meeting being held online via Zoom.  Here are the details for the meeting that will begin at noon on Sunday:
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 355 462 527
Password: 360547

Download Zoom on your preferred device before the meeting.

If you’ve never used Zoom before, check out this Zoom video tutorial

Try and sign on at 11:45 so that we can help you troubleshoot any difficulties you have with sound.
A few more quick notes:

  1. Everyone will be muted upon entry into the Zoom Meeting Room
  2. You won’t be able to unmute yourself
  3. You can control whether your video is on or off – the choice is yours
Please be patient and understand that your Wi-Fi connection is big factor in how the meeting looks and any lag or delays experienced.

If you have a question, you can use the chat box feature at the bottom of your screen.  Or raise your hand.  I will be helping our Consistory leaders monitoring the chat box, questions, and flow of the meeting.

Looking forward to “seeing”” you on Sunday.

Sunday, May 3rd Bulletin

Sunday, May 3rd Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, May 3 at 10:30 a.m. at


Fourth Sunday of Easter
The readings from Acts in the Season of Easter relate accounts of the earliest Christian community. We learn in Acts 2: 42-47 that this body is formed by Christ and nourished by the Spirit through teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. Such daily actions continue to bring the Body of Christ to life and shape its powerful witness to its neighbors   A powerful witness to the closeness of the relationship between shepherd and sheep, between Christ and the church, is at the heart of John 10:1–10. This relationship leads to abundant life.
For Your Worship Centers on Sunday, May 3
Have bread or a cracker and  a cup of water or juice or wine for our time of communion.
This Sunday, we will be hearing about how the followers of Jesus got together often to worship, eat a meal together, and recall the stories and teachings of Jesus. They would share whatever they had with one another.
Add to your worship table an object or a word written on a piece of paper to symbolize something you might share with others.  Take a photo and post it on Facebook or send it to 
Sunday, April 26 Bulletin

Sunday, April 26 Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sunday, April 26 at 10:30 a.m. at


Third Sunday of Easter
The Gospel lesson for this Sunday, Luke 24: 13-35, tells a story of the afternoon of the first Easter.  As two disciples are walking to the village of Emmaus they encounter a mysterious stranger.  In Acts 2:14a, 36–41, Peter’s preaching on the Jerusalem streets “cut to the heart” of those who listened.

Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth so that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart. ~ I Peter 1:22
When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?”  ~ Luke 24:30-32

Jesus’ table ministry was a preeminent way that he showed and shared the depth of love unseen in his time. He ate and spent time with those considered unworthy of his attention. Even in his post-resurrection appearances, it was in the breaking of bread that he was “recognized.” As we gather around his Table this day, we remember that, at the heart, his message was unconditional love.

At your Worship Center this Sunday, please include a loaf of bread or a piece of bread.  Take a photo and post it on Facebook or send it to


Thursday Thoughts: April 23, 2020

Thursday Thoughts: April 23, 2020

Dear Congregation:

This Sunday we will read from Luke 24: 13-35, the story we name as the Road to Emmaus, when two disciples encounter Jesus on the road.  At first Jesus is a stranger but when he breaks bread with them, their hearts are open and they “ate their food with glad and generous hearts.”

Where has your heart been opened in these “stay-at-home” weeks?  How have you been experiencing your meals differently now that you are eating more meals at home?  Are you enjoying cooking more and eating meals with your family?  Does the food taste any different?

This weekend, I invite you to make some bread and add it to your worship center as we remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Yes, you’ll also need bread for communion on May 3rd.  But who doesn’t enjoy bread?

Share the photos of your bread projects with us on Facebook or via email.

Thursday Thoughts April 16, 2020

Thursday Thoughts April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

***Please note that the 8:30 Service and 9:30 Educational Classes are suspended.
The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship:

Dear Congregation:

Monday night, parents of our youth group members and adults working with youth gathered for a call on Zoom.  We were getting together to talk about how we can assist our kids in navigating these challenging days.  We spoke of the losses for some of our kids – especially the seniors.  We grieved how we were having to spend so much time with screens just to see the people we love.  While we are grateful to have technology that allows us to connect, truth is that many of us are tired of staring at screens.  Every time we log in to yet another Zoom call get-together or meeting, it is a reminder of the reality in which we live.

Click Here for the full details