![Thursday Thoughts, May 7,2020](https://erucc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/IMG_3085.jpg)
Click Here for your May 7, 2020 Thursday Thoughts
***Please note that the 8:30 Service and 9:30 Educational Classes are suspended.
The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:https://boxcast.tv/channel/bzioh0xyyacgq5fmjnoi
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: https://zoom.us/j/153605864?pwd=M2VSRjZsRDdFd1Q4bms0RExzam5SUT09&status=success PW:  007681
Dear Congregation:
Thanks to all of you who were able to participate in last Sunday’s annual meeting via Zoom Call. It was great to see your faces, watch you greet one another, and see how we could interact with this technology.
As I shared in my sermon on Sunday, we are in what some call a “liminal†or threshold time. Susan Beamont, author of How to Lead When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going describes these days as a liminal season. “Liminality refers to a quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs during transition, when a person or group of people is in between something that has ended and something else that is not yet ready to begin.  She refers to liminal seasons in the Bible such as the journey of the people of Israel through the wilderness, Jesus’ time in the desert, the time between Easter and Pentecost.