May 26 – Trinity Sunday
Isaiah 6:1-8 | Romans 8:12-17 | John 3:1-17
On this Sunday, when the church invites us to celebrate our most foundational and confounding doctrine, the scriptures demonstrate the three persons of the Trinity (Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer) working together to call, equip, and send out God’s people. To be effective in leading where we are called, we must lean into both the mystery and power of God. Our world likes easy answers and superficial sound bites. However, the call to follow Jesus is one that brings us into something deeper and more difficult. This challenge is one that is not to be taken lightly. However, it offers us a greater adventure and a more meaningful life. It is up to us, though, to accept the healing coal that God offers us or seek to stay cowering in our unworthiness.
The Rev. Kirstin Shrom-Rhoads will be preaching. The Senior Choir will sing. We will honor and celebrate graduates.
Click here to WATCH the 10:30 AM Worship Service Live or On-Demand
Click here to to VIEW the May 26 Worship Bulletin
ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.