
Sunday, December 13 Bulletin

Sunday, December 13 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, December 13, 2020 bulletin.

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:



Worship Notes               Third Sunday in Advent

Isaiah the prophet beautifully portrays that day of deliverance when God will come and deliver suffering Israel in Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11.  Isaiah’s is the same promise that Jesus will use for his first sermon in Nazareth in Luke’s Gospel.  God sends forth good news, especially to the oppressed, the broken-hearted, the prisoners, and the poor.  In the final verses, Isaiah breaks forth into a song of hope.  The Gospel lesson is from Luke 1: 46b-55 and is known as the Magnificat or Mary’s Song.

We are pleased to welcome new members this Sunday: Angela Brittain, Al Mannus, and Scott Harris.

Thursday Thoughts, December 10, 2020

Thursday Thoughts, December 10, 2020

CLICK HERE to read Thursday Thoughts

December 10,  2020

Dear Congregation:

This Sunday is our annual meeting, at which time we will adopt the 2021 Mission Spending Plan.  This plan serves as a statement of who we are as a church, what we value, and how we hope to serve one another, the wider community, and the world.

In the United Church of Christ, the local congregation has the responsibility and power to make its own decisions.   Each of us, as a member of ERUCC, has a voice and vote in determining our future.   We need your voice and participation in the life of our congregation to enable us to continue to be a faithful witness to the love and hope we know in Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                                      While the coronavirus may have canceled and stopped many things in our lives, the mission and ministry of ERUCC has continued through worship, education, fellowship, and mission.  This Sunday, you will hear about some of these programs and initiatives.  You will receive an update on progress made on repairing our historic buildings.  You will be invited to affirm our commitment to be an antiracist congregation.  You will hear the exciting news about a permanent family shelter.  You’ll hear that while some of our 275th anniversary activities were canceled; we are hoping to move some of those activities into next year.                                                                                                                                                                                                          On the third Sunday in Advent, our theme is joy.  Even in the midst of the challenges of this past year, we have a lot to celebrate.  Hope you will be present for the annual December as we celebrate God’s work in and through us and imagine the year ahead.


Worship Notes               Third Sunday in Advent

Isaiah the prophet beautifully portrays that day of deliverance when God will come and deliver suffering Israel in Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11.  Isaiah’s is the same promise that Jesus will use for his first sermon in Nazareth in Luke’s Gospel.  God sends forth good news, especially to the oppressed, the broken-hearted, the prisoners, and the poor.  In the final verses, Isaiah breaks forth into a song of hope.  The Gospel lesson is from Luke 1: 46b-55 and is known as the Magnificat or Mary’s Song.

We are pleased to welcome new members this Sunday: Angela Brittain, Al Mannus, and Scott Harris.




Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701




Thursday’s Thoughts, December 3, 2020

Thursday’s Thoughts, December 3, 2020

CLICK HERE for the December 3, 2020 Thursday Thoughts

This week’s Thursday Thoughts is written by the co-chairs of the Mission and Social Action Committee, Rebecca Shillingburg and Colleen Baldree.    They wish to provide information about an item on the agenda for the congregational meeting on December 13th.

At the recommendation of the Mission & Social Action Committee, the Consistory approved bringing the following statement to the congregation:

“We, the members of Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ, declaring that Black lives matter and acknowledging our complicity in systemic racism toward all people of color, commit to be an authentic reflection of God’s promises of peace through justice for all by working to become antiracist in all ministries of word, welcome, and deed.”

Our statement reflects our growing awareness of systemic racism and our call as Christians to work “to become antiracist.” ERUCC has begun this work with many opportunities to discuss and learn about racial injustice. Current events and ERUCC’s opportunities to learn and discuss what it means to be antiracist have awakened many of our members to the racial injustice that exists in our country today. We recognize how difficult this conversation can be, but together we can be the change our world needs. This is our opportunity to live into our call to be the church!

Rebecca Shillingburg and Colleen Baldree, Mission & Social Action Committee Co-Chairs


Worship Notes               Second Sunday in Advent

On this Second Sunday in Advent, the prophet Isaiah prophet proclaims to Israel that despite their present circumstances, God has not abandoned them.   Isaiah 40: 1-11 describes how we are as vulnerable as grass, and therefore we are at the mercy of forces beyond human control.  Yet God does intervene with salvation and deliverance.  John the Baptizer opens Mark’s Gospel with a scorching sermon in the Judean wilderness.  John calls people to change and, as a sign of that change, to submit to a baptism for repentance of sins as we read Mark 1: 1-8.                                                                                       We will share communion this morning.  If you are worshipping at home, please prepare bread or crackers along with a cup of wine, juice, or water for communion.  You are also invited to light the second candle on your advent wreaths as we light the candles in the sanctuary.

Food for Thought:               Prayer for Advent (Written by Kevin Coyle)

We approach this Advent season with trepidation. This winter will be hard on all of us for many of us are apart, unable to visit each other or suffering from this affliction or that. In this midst of all this turmoil, remind us that we are not alone. We cannot know for sure what will transpire in months ahead, but Your work is never done. There is always more we can do. Even as earthly troubles can seem insurmountable, You showed the power of little acts from the heart. You showed how sitting at a dinner table conversing with outcasts or laboring to fix a home, can make a difference. Above all, You showed what one person can do, when they are moved by faith and love, even in a world where injustices, hardships, and afflictions abound. As we move into this new month, dealing with our own struggles here, be with us, breaking through into our lives in unexpected moments as we move through these days of yearning, remembering, and waiting.


Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701




Sunday, December 6 Bulletin

Sunday, December 6 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, December 6, 2020 bulletin.

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:


Worship Notes               Second Sunday in Advent

On this Second Sunday in Advent, the prophet Isaiah prophet proclaims to Israel that despite their present circumstances, God has not abandoned them.   Isaiah 40: 1-11 describes how we are as vulnerable as grass, and therefore we are at the mercy of forces beyond human control.  Yet God does intervene with salvation and deliverance.  John the Baptizer opens Mark’s Gospel with a scorching sermon in the Judean wilderness.  John calls people to change and, as a sign of that change, to submit to a baptism for repentance of sins as we read Mark 1: 1-8.                           We will share communion this morning.  If you are worshipping at home, please prepare bread or crackers along with a cup of wine, juice, or water for communion.  You are also invited to light the second candle on your advent wreaths as we light the candles in the sanctuary.

The Mitten Project

The Mitten Project

Here is an AWESOME opportunity to serve the Downtown Frederick Community. 

ERUCC has joined the Federated Charities – Charity Mitten Project.

Starting Sunday, December 6th a decorated collection box will be located in the lobby of the church where you can place donations of Mittens, Winter Hats and Gloves of all shapes, sizes and colors.

These donations will be collected once a week through New Years Day and taken to the Federated Charities building where items will be put out for the public to take as needed – no questions asked.

Feel free to email with any questions. THANK YOU

Wednesday Advent Service Bulletin: December 2, 2020

Wednesday Advent Service Bulletin: December 2, 2020

Wednesday Advent Services 12 Noon

Wednesday Advent Services Via Zoom 

Meeting ID: 831 5157 2425               Passcode: 812725

On each Wednesday of Advent we will gather virtually, for a service of prayer at noon.
This year’s Wednesday Advent theme will explore Adam Hamilton’s work, “Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas”
In this work, Hamilton examines the names of a Christ user by the gospel writers, exploring the historical and personal significance of his birth. In the face of uncertainty and conflict, Christians reclaim the Christ Child who brings us together, heals our hearts and calls us to bring light into the darkness.
On this first week of Advent we will focus on the theme of Jesus as King.
Sunday, November 29 Bulletin

Sunday, November 29 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, November 29, 2020 bulletin.

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:

Worship Notes               First Sunday in Advent

Advent invites us to acknowledge times of deep belief, but also times of doubt. It calls us to remember when we have experienced God’s presence most clearly, and when we have felt deserted by God. It reminds us that our relationship with the One who creates is ongoing and we are not alone.  In Isaiah 64:1–9 the prophet Isaiah pleads with God to restore broken relationships with God’s people.   Jesus asks us to remember the promise of God’s presence in Mark 13:24–37. He challenges us to stay awake, be alert, and live in expectation.


Sunday, November 22 Bulletin

Sunday, November 22 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, November 22, 2020 bulletin.

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:

Sunday Worship


This day we proclaim the hope of God’s eternal realm of justice and peace.   In Matthew 25: 31-46, Jesus’ teaching tells how, when God’s reign comes in its fullness the nations will be separated in the same way a shepherd separates sheep and goats.  Jesus’ disciples today are called to perform acts of mercy and justice to those in need – to live out God’s great compassion.

CLICK HERE for livestream
CLICK HERE for this week’s bulletin.