Sunday, November 29 Bulletin

Sunday, November 29 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, November 29, 2020 bulletin.

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

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Worship Notes               First Sunday in Advent

Advent invites us to acknowledge times of deep belief, but also times of doubt. It calls us to remember when we have experienced God’s presence most clearly, and when we have felt deserted by God. It reminds us that our relationship with the One who creates is ongoing and we are not alone.  In Isaiah 64:1–9 the prophet Isaiah pleads with God to restore broken relationships with God’s people.   Jesus asks us to remember the promise of God’s presence in Mark 13:24–37. He challenges us to stay awake, be alert, and live in expectation.


Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC