Category: Weekly Bulletin

February 19, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

February 19, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Last Sunday After Epiphany/Transfiguration Sunday

Today’s readings seem an exclamation point to Jesus’ teaching about God’s realm in the Sermon on the Mount. In a place of sacred mystery, the shining and shadow of Jesus’ transfiguration convey holy presence in the community of God’s people across time. In this place of silence and witness, Jesus’ followers catch a glimpse of God’s dazzling reign in Matthew 17: 1-9. Exodus 24:12–18 tells of Moses ascending Mount Sinai. God’s glory meets Moses in shadow and light.

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the February 19 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

February 12, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

February 12, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Jesus helps us take another look at some commandments to discover what is at the heart of the law – love of God and love of neighbor in Matthew 5: 21-37. God’s people are urged to choose to act in ways that are life-giving in Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 and I Corinthians 3: 1-9. As we work together to live into the vision of God’s reign, we can be assured that it is God who gives the growth.

Spirit will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the February 12 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

February 5, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

February 5, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Jesus tells us that we are salt and light as we seek to live as God’s people in the world in Matthew 5: 13-20. With the Spirit’s help, we offer our gifts and talents to extend the reach of God’s realm. With Isaiah 58: 1-12, we learn what it means to “practice righteousness,” to restore beauty in community as we live out the heart of our faith.

The Senior Choir will be singing. This morning communion will be served to you while sitting in the pews.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the February 5 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

January 29, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

January 29, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Today we begin a five-week exploration of a collection of Jesus’ sayings known as the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ radical vision of what God’s reign on earth might look like is a vision of wholeness for all people is found in Matthew 5: 1-12. Micah 6:1–8 describes a dramatic confrontation, a lawsuit between God and Israel. What must Israel do to be in a right relationship with God? Verse 8 summarizes: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

The Senior Choir will be singing. Pastor Kirstin will be leading worship.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the January 22 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

January 22, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

January 22, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Third Sunday after Epiphany

The prophet Isaiah proclaims in Isaiah 9: 1-4, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” The exile is ending: joyful deliverance is coming. Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee in Matthew 4: 12-23 calling disciples to join him in his work, promising his disciples who were fishermen that he will now teach them to “fish for people.”

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the January 22 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

January 15, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

January 15, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Today we explore God’s call to us. Isaiah is called by God to proclaim the restoration of Israel in Isaiah 49: 1-7. Jesus calls disciples in John 1: 29-42. Through these accounts, we are invited to consider the ways that God’s call comes to us and discover the ways that God equips and strengthens us to live into this call.

The Senior Choir will be singing. The Rev. John Shillingburg will be leading worship.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the January 15 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

January 8, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

January 8, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Baptism of Christ Sunday

In this season after the Epiphany, the scriptures invite us to wonder about the unfolding possibilities that are opened to us through the revealing of God’s ways in Jesus the Christ. On this Baptism of Jesus Sunday, we hear God’s Spirit-filled voice speaking new things into action, reminding us that we are God’s beloved children.

The Gospel lesson from Matthew 3: 13-17 is the account of Jesus’ baptism. The voice from heaven that speaks at Jesus’ baptism echoes the voice spoken in Isaiah 42:1–9. These words proclaim the mission of God’s beloved servant to restore justice.

Spirit will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the January 8 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

January 1, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

January 1, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

We Keep Seeking | Matthew 2:1-23

The Magi were seekers. They sought wisdom, they sought the divine, they sought fortunes to tell the future. Their seeking leads them to Jesus, the newborn king of another culture and religion. And yet, their seeking is also what protects them from Herod’s deception and harm. After the Magi go home by another way, Joseph is visited again by an angel in his dream. This time, the angel brings a warning, and like before, Joseph heeds the message. Fleeing from Herod’s massacre, Joseph and Mary seek refuge in Egypt; they remain there, living as immigrants, until Herod dies. Like the Magi, may we seek the divine and be willing to journey closer to God. Like the Holy family, may we seek safety for all families who are under threat. This new year and every year to come, let us keep seeking—wisdom, justice, and a better world.

We will be sharing communion at the chancel rail this morning as well as receiving our star words for the coming year. The service will conclude with the “Letting Go and Letting God” ritual. This is a time when the congregation will be invited to write down on a piece of paper those things which each person wants to let go of from the old year of 2022, receive God’s grace and move into the new year with divine blessing and hope. The dissolving pieces of paper will be placed in a bowl of water at the front of the chancel.

The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the January 1 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

December 25, 2022 – 10:30 am Worship Service

December 25, 2022 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary or online.

Christmas Day

Today’s service will be a simple Sabbath after all the festivities of the past few weeks. It will be a chance in the quiet of the morning to remember, to rejoice and to respond to grace flowing freely in the humble birth of the God-made-flesh. It is also a chance for our church family to gather as the family of God.

The 10:30 a.m. service will revolve around carols that are familiar and easy to sing and the scriptures assigned for Christmas Day in the Revised Common Lectionary. They both tell the story of love and justice that shapes the meaning of the day.

Adult Education and Children’s Sunday School will not be held, and Nursery Care will not be provided.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the December 25 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.