Category: News

THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 16th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 16th 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  September 16th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

September 16, 2021

Dear Congregation:

At the May 2021 annual meeting of the congregation, we voted to become a Creation Justice Church and the UCC has recognized our commitment to consider environmental and justice issues in all our actions and decisions. The Green Team has been working with every committee and group of the church to consider their practices and activities through the lends of creation justice.
What has that meant?  Using glass cups for communion and yes, that means washing them, thereby reducing our use of plastic. Reducing waste including the elimination of disposal cups, plates and utensils.   We have started to use the real plates, glasses, cups, and utensils at fellowship events again.  We have teams of members who work in the community garden as part of the efforts of the Frederick Food Security Network.  We spend time outside gathering for walks and other activities to acknowledge the gifts of air, water, trees, and plants.
These are just a few of the tangible efforts we have made, and are making, to recognize the gifts of creation and our responsibility in caring for the planet.
This Sunday, the Green Team has planned a variety of opportunities for us to name and embody our commitment to God’s creation.  In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and all that sustains life.  Creation was God’s first act of love.  We love God through our acts of love and respecting, honoring, and not abusing God’s love gift of creation.
In May we adopted this language as part of our larger Creation Justice statement:
“We, the members of this congregation, realize that God has given us an amazing planet on which to live.  This planet is shared by the rest of humanity and will be shared with future generations as well.  As such, it is our responsibility to care for this precious gift and keep it healthy for those who will come after us.  Being good stewards of our environment will be at the forefront of our thinking as we plan for, and carry out, our ministries”
May it be so.
Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 9th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 9th 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  September 2nd Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

September 9, 2021

Dear Congregation:
As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, many of us are remembering that day and where we were when we heard the news that planes had crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.  We share stories of what it felt like that day and the days since.  We remember those who lost their lives and those who gave so selflessly that day and the days after.
We also remember that our lives and world changed after 9/11.  We live differently.  We travel differently.  We recognize that so much of life since then has been shaped by fear – fear of further terrorist attacks, fear of people who come from other parts of the world and who worship differently than we do.
I pray that God will give us strength to confront fear with hope.  I pray that we can sift through the barrage of voices that call us to hate and work for peace.  I pray that we will build our lives on acts of kindness and mercy with one another and fill the world with such goodness that there is no room for terrorism or hatred.
Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

Submit an Announcement!

Have an announcement you would like to include in our weekly Thursday Thoughts email or our Monthly Trinity Chimes newsletter?  Submit your announcement information below. After your submission is reviewed, we will gladly share your announcement with ERUCC members and friends!

Announcements Form

A Way for ERUCC members and friends to submit announcements to our weekly Thursday Thoughts email and/or Monthly Trinity Chimes newsletter

    (Choose all that apply)
THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 2nd 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS September 2nd 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  September 2nd Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

September 2, 2021

Dear Congregation:

“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.”
– Albert Camus

The French philosopher and writer Albert Camus spent his life learning to overcome difficulty. Camus lived too many of his days during wartime, including World War II, unable to escape the German invasion of Paris. Camus joined the resistance and fought with his words as the editor-in-chief of an outlawed newspaper called “Combat.” His clear and consistent writing on the human conscience won him the Nobel Prize in literature in 1957. As this quote suggests, it was his ability to adapt to his circumstances that protected his heart despite the tragedies he witnessed. And as he so movingly articulated, it is a fortuitous heart that has never been broken.

(From the web site Inspiring Quotes, August 19, 2021)
Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY AUGUST 19th 2021 Thursday Thoughts

THURSDAY AUGUST 19th 2021 Thursday Thoughts

CLICK HERE to read the Thursday, August 19, 2021 Thursday Thought

August 19, 2021

Dear Congregation:

My soul hurts for the people of Haiti.  My soul hurts for the people of Afghanistan and all those who have served in that country in the military and with humanitarian organizations.  My soul hurts for the burning trees of California and the aftermath of the flooded streets of western Germany.  I am concerned for the children and teachers and all who work in our schools as classes begin.  I have a rather long list of what hurts my soul and my heart   Maybe that’s why this reflection from Steve Garnaas-Holmes spoke to me.  He writes:
Sometimes I just stare at the flowers.
You may be weary.
Maybe the world weighs heavy on you.
You might feel you don’t have a prayer in you.
Well, some days your soul doesn’t need to work so hard.
Souls get tired. Sick, even.
Some days yours just needs a little TLC.
Sometimes what our soul needs is not more discipline
but something comforting and nourishing.
Maybe even something fun.
Give your soul a break.
When your soul is weary or unwell
Do something nice for your soul.
Even something silly.
Feed it with grace at the roots.
If that day is not today, it will come.
You have permission.



Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 Thursday Thoughts

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 Thursday Thoughts

CLICK HERE to read the Thursday, August 12, 2021 Thursday Thoughts

August 12, 2021

Dear Congregation:

275th Anniversary Events in our 276th year

The pandemic caused us to cancel and postpone our awesome plans for celebrating our 275th anniversary as a congregation.  We have rescheduled some of those events and are seeking some support for making these rescheduled events anniversary celebration worthy.  Please let me know if you are able to help or gather a group to provide support:


Saturday, September 25th   German Dinner and Book Launch   6 pm     Community Room

Join ERUCC members and friends as we celebrate the publication of the updated history of our church. As part of the evening celebration, we will be serving a German dinner.  The menu will include:  German potato salad, stuffed cabbage, brats, sauerkraut, green beans, rolls and butter, and German chocolate cake.  Please use the sign-up genius link below to sign up for the dinner or call the church office at 301-662-2762.  We are requesting a $10 donation for the meal.

The evening is the kick-off for our rescheduled 275th anniversary events.

***Need Servers and clean-up support


Sunday, October 17              10:30 am        German Service with German partners

Looking for a team to prepare strudel (pre-made) and serve for our fellowship time

Sunday, October 24              3:00 pm          Organ Concert with Chris Lane

Looking for a team to prepare light refreshments after the concern

Sunday, October 31              10:30 am        Worship — Homecoming Celebration

Looking for people willing to help plan this special day.  Meeting on Tuesday, August 17th at 1 pm in the church offices to brainstorm ideas.


Thank you for considering these requests.