THURSDAY AUGUST 19th 2021 Thursday Thoughts

THURSDAY AUGUST 19th 2021 Thursday Thoughts

CLICK HERE to read the Thursday, August 19, 2021 Thursday Thought

August 19, 2021

Dear Congregation:

My soul hurts for the people of Haiti.  My soul hurts for the people of Afghanistan and all those who have served in that country in the military and with humanitarian organizations.  My soul hurts for the burning trees of California and the aftermath of the flooded streets of western Germany.  I am concerned for the children and teachers and all who work in our schools as classes begin.  I have a rather long list of what hurts my soul and my heart   Maybe that’s why this reflection from Steve Garnaas-Holmes spoke to me.  He writes:
Sometimes I just stare at the flowers.
You may be weary.
Maybe the world weighs heavy on you.
You might feel you don’t have a prayer in you.
Well, some days your soul doesn’t need to work so hard.
Souls get tired. Sick, even.
Some days yours just needs a little TLC.
Sometimes what our soul needs is not more discipline
but something comforting and nourishing.
Maybe even something fun.
Give your soul a break.
When your soul is weary or unwell
Do something nice for your soul.
Even something silly.
Feed it with grace at the roots.
If that day is not today, it will come.
You have permission.



Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

Article by Jenna Duranko