Category: Announcements

The Mitten Project

The Mitten Project

Here is an AWESOME opportunity to serve the Downtown Frederick Community. 

ERUCC has joined the Federated Charities – Charity Mitten Project.

Starting Sunday, December 6th a decorated collection box will be located in the lobby of the church where you can place donations of Mittens, Winter Hats and Gloves of all shapes, sizes and colors.

These donations will be collected once a week through New Years Day and taken to the Federated Charities building where items will be put out for the public to take as needed – no questions asked.

Feel free to email with any questions. THANK YOU

275th Anniversary Limited Edition Ornament for Sale

275th Anniversary Limited Edition Ornament for Sale

Now Available!                               November 2020                          CLICK HERE FOR FORM

Excited to reveal the 275th Anniversary commemorative ornament, featuring  Trinity Chapel’s beautiful stained glass window.

This miniature, just 2”x3” in size, reproduces the historic window on glass, with a metal frame and hanger. Now available for sale at $15 each, your purchase supports the Preserving Our History campaign. All funds raised through the sale of the miniature windows go directly into our historic building preservation fund.

Just 200 boxed miniatures were ordered, the shipment is here, and they are available for purchase today. Use the order form below, or contact ERUCC to submit your request.

A sincere thank you to Jeff Schaeberle whose photograph of the stained glass window was used to create this miniature. His talents shine brightly at ERUCC!



Yes!  I/We want to order the miniature of Trinity Chapel’s stained glass window

Quantity:  _______  @ $15 each *  = $          ___________

How would you like to receive them?  r Pick up from church

Deliver with my next envelope    Other __________________________________

I/We would like to make an additional donation to the 275th Campaign this year $ __________


Name:             ___________________________________________________________________

Address:          ___________________________________________________________________

Email:  _____________________________________ Phone:______________________________


* 100% of your purchase is a donation to ERUCC’s Preserving Our History campaign! The cost of the ornaments has been underwritten so that all purchases support the anniversary campaign.


Thank you!




15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD  21701  |  301-662-2762 ♦ Fax 301-695-2578 ♦

A Meditation from Pastor Daniel

A Meditation from Pastor Daniel

Last evening for our Consistory meeting opening, I shared this meditation written by Rev. Elsa Cook, a UCC minister. I first read it in an email sent by Rev. Michael Caine, pastor of Old First Reformed UCC, Philadelphia.
I was asked to share it more broadly, so here it is, with permission from Rev. Cook. You can click on the link to experience it as a guided meditation.
Let us find a minute
to catch our breath
after all that has happened
in six months
and in just one week
let us breathe in love
breathe out fear
breathe in hope
breathe out every evil
expel all the air
so that there is nothing
left but mutual affection
feel that catch in your
throat and let go
as you fill your lungs
with honor and zeal
for people and creation
and even the future
breathe in what will serve
God and fill your spirit
feel that stuff
pump through your veins
with every bit
of oxygenated wonder
push the uncertain
discomfort that has
lived so comfortably
in every fiber
of your being

for the the past several months,

out through your pores
release the toxins
that have held you back
from believing
that God is with you.
God is in every
breath and every hope.
God is in every
blessing and
every need.
Breathe in
this faith.
Breathe in.
Catch your breath
so that you are not
overcome by evil
but let that evil go and
know that evil will
only be overcome
with good trouble.
Let us catch our breath
so that we can be
The good trouble God needs.
Book Discussion: November 2 at 8 p.m.

Book Discussion: November 2 at 8 p.m.

How to be Anti-Racist

Engagement, Conversation & Opportunities

“Becoming an anti-racist is a life-long journey.  It happens in community with other committed people who journey together and commit to decentering whiteness, leaning into practices to decolonize socialized patterns of thinking and behaviors.  The process includes relearning history, correcting false narratives, and working towards radical shifts in policies and structures that harm black lives”. ~ Velda Love


Book Discussions

via Zoom Call
Meeting ID: 868 9329 7577                Passcode: 494164


November 2 at 8 p.m.

So You Want to Talk About Race

Ijeoma Oluo


December 1 at 7 p.m.

I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness

Austin Channing Brown

ERUCC Announces Prayer Vigil

ERUCC Announces Prayer Vigil

PRAYER VIGIL ON THE EVE OF THE USA ELECTIONS on Monday, November 2 ,  7– 7:30pm

ERUCC will hold a prayer vigil on the eve of our election day on the front steps of the main sanctuary.  The vigil will include time for silence as we hear the beating of one another’s hearts for peace.  The only words spoken will be a brief welcome and an invitation to share in the prayer of St. Francis, “Let me be an instrument of thy peace.”  Those gathered will be invited to sing, “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”


Candles will be provided.  Masks are required and participants will be asked to maintain physically distancing.


The vigil will also be live streamed on the ERUCC Facebook page – Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ.

JULY 16 Thursday Thoughts

JULY 16 Thursday Thoughts



July 16, 2020

***Please note that the 9:30 Educational Classes are suspended.
The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

If you are interested in attending in person go online to EventBrite to reserve your place:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW: 007681

Dear Congregation:

Last week, I realized that this was likely going to be the first year since 1999 that I would not be traveling to Europe to visit with church partners and friends.

Next week our youth and adults, along with our German partners, were scheduled to travel to the UCC National Youth Event at Purdue University. Due to COVID-19, this national event has been postponed to the summer of 2022.

Yesterday, I realized that this is the first year since I was 21 years old that I will not be attending a national gathering of the United Church of Christ. For over 40 years, youth events, General Synod, Faith Works, and other gatherings have been foundational in my formation as a Christian and as a clergy person. While I know in the scheme of things missing these gatherings for the health and safety of participants is critical, like other events that are being canceled or postponed there is grief. My faith and leadership was nurtured and formed through those national gatherings. The conversations, worship, Bible studies, and speakers have nurtured and challenged me personally and professionally.

The young people and adults of ERUCC have attended a national gathering of the UCC for the past 12 years. As General Synod in July of 2021 will be virtual, I am coming to terms with the fact that it will be two years before our youth have an in-person experience of the diversity of the UCC and be challenged, formed, and nurtured by these experiences of the national setting of the UCC.

I’m pondering how we will fill that void. The national setting of the UCC is working hard to provide virtual experiences for the wider church but we know that it is not the same. Just like the difference between live streaming the worship service from your home and gathering in the sanctuary in-person, it’s just different.

There are a lot of experiences these days that we can say are not the same or just different. Sunday worship in our Sanctuary, sitting with masks on and not singing. Visiting with family members and friends with masks on and sitting six feet apart. Zoom happy hours. Facebook live parties. It’s not the same and so we grieve what we once had.

Once I have named the loss and understand that it is okay to grieve and give myself the time to grieve, space opens in my heart and mind for a new way of nurturing my life and that of our young people. While I know that youth groups gel when they have experiences away from home, we will need to discover new ways of coming together here at home. While we may not hear national and international leaders speaking live in a huge convention center and experience the energy that comes with a crowd, we can listen to speakers and have a thoughtful conversation about what we have heard. We can take the time to look around us and see where we may engage our time and energy locally, participating in events and marches as safely as we can.

Perhaps, in these months ahead, these new ways of learning, meeting, and growing will prove to be more than measures to fill in a gap. I anticipate that some of these new ways may become just as meaningful and fulfilling as attending a national youth event or General Synod. It will just be “different.”

Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701



1.  GREEN ENERGY:  Sign Up  with the Neighborhood Sun/ERUCC partnership in the Shepherds Mill community solar farm project where a percentage of your electricity will be solar!!  It is open now for full subscription sign up until 6/8 or until as long as the places last.    Our contact is Carolyn Ricketts, 301-806-6067;  the website is  When you sign up through this website, ERUCC will receive a donation.  Signing up is  easy, Carolyn will walk you through.  This project has been vetted by Terry Logee, so we know that it is reliable.  An email detailing the project was sent out on May 14; if you did not receive it or would like it forwarded to you, please contact Susan Kulp at or Linda Coyle at CLICK HERE for Green Team Community Solar information

2.  RECYCLING:  Because of  the additional cardboard and paper packaging from online ordering, the top environmental officer of the US said that Recycling is more essential than ever.  There is even some concern of a cardboard shortage developing, so let’s put it back into the supply chain.  Since Frederick County does NOT require that cardboard boxes be broken down,  just put your cardboard boxes and paper out for curbside recycling.  DO NOT PUT MASKS AND PPE IN RECYCLING even if they are plastic!!!  They need to be put into bags, sealed, and placed in the TRASH.  The CDC has requirements for proper disposal of PPE.   Much of PPE is thrown away carelessly and clogs drains and washes into waterways. Also, remember that Frederick Co.(which includes the city) does not recycle any clam shell containers or plastic bags.

3.  PLASTIC:  After all our efforts to avoid using plastic bags by bringing reusable bags for our grocery shopping, we can no longer do this in most stores, except in certain circumstances.  Giant, at least,  allows patrons to use their reusable bags in the self-checkout lines. Other stores probably do also.   Another alternative is to ask the checker if you can place the items you have bought back in your cart after they have been checked out.  Then take your cart back to your car where you can pack the items in the bags that you have cleverly stashed away in your trunk.  A little more work for you, but creation will thank you for it.   Also, some stores may recycle plastic bags and the clamshell containers we are getting from carry out.  Please let us know which stores recycle these items if you have that information.

The amount of plastic is surging during the pandemic and threatens the earth,  the oceans,  and their wildlife.  If you must get plastic bags from the store or restaurant carry out, REUSE them as often as you can.  Ask the restaurant not to include plastic utensils, napkins, and straws.  Studies reveal that plastic is showing up in our bodies and bloodstream, so let’s do all we can to reduce our plastic use.  Please contribute your ideas to help the rest of us out.

4.  COMPOST:  Now that we eating at home so much, this is a perfect time to start to compost.  You can easily compost at home in your own container; the internet has lots of information to guide you.  And many church members could  help you out.   Also, you could investigate the reasonably priced residential service offered by Key Compost, with whom ERUCC has had a contract .  Key Compost will pick up all your food scraps, including meat and bones,  and return compostable soil to you twice a year.  Key’s website,, has all the information.  Composting is a wonderful way to reduce the amount of trash that goes into the landfills and replenishes the earth.