Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 2

Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 2

Sunday, May 2nd  is the day for our annual congregational meeting. 

The Consistory has voted to call the annual meeting for Sunday, May 2nd at 11:45.  The meeting will be held in the Community Room with lunch being served immediately following worship.  Members and friends of the congregation may also participate via Zoom  — through video on a computer, tablet or phone – or by telephone.

Some logistics about the annual meeting which will be held on Sunday, May 2nd following worship:

  • You are encouraged to attend the meeting in-person or via Zoom. 
Meeting ID: 821 2996 3921
Passcode: 498766

  • If you are participating by zoom, we ask that you stay muted during the meeting.  Please use the chat function for your comments and questions.
  •  When we take a vote, we will ask all zoom participants to unmute themselves to indicate by voice yea or nay.
  • A reminder that we have a recommendation to adopt a Creation Justice Covenant.  CLICK HERE TO REVIEW
Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC