Green Team News
Creation Justice Sunday: 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. in the Community Room
Book discussion, climate change knitted tapestry, and cello music by David Howard!
SEPTEMBER 10 – Saturday – In The Streets – 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Visit members of the Green Team as we pair up with the Multifaith Alliance of Climate Stewards (MACS) and Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) at the In the Streets festival. We will be between 4th and 5th Streets in the Go Green Block.
SEPTEMBER 14 – Wednesday – 8-11:00 a.m. – Native Plant Planting Day
Come help us turn the plot of grass at the back of the parking lot into a native plant garden. Native plants help bring back biodiversity by providing flowers for pollinators, host plants for insects, and seeds and berries for birds. Bring work gloves and water. We can really use some help!
SEPTEMBER 18 – Sunday – 2-3:30 p.m. – Spiritual Walk – Catoctin Furnace
Enjoy the beauty of the Catoctin Mountains and reflect on the lives of the people who lived and worked at Catoctin Furnace. We will visit the furnace and follow the trail to the slave cemetery. Meet in the Cunningham Falls Manor parking to walk across the iron bridge to the Catoctin Furnaces area. If you prefer not to do the steps on the bridge, you can park at the Catoctin Furnace parking and meet up with us around 2:30. Take 15 North from Frederick towards Thurmont.
SEPTEMBER 28 – Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m. – Electrify Everything Presentation
The Multifaith Alliance of Climate Stewards of Frederick County (MACS) urges a rapid transition to clean, renewable energy to curb greenhouse gas emissions and restore health and economic stability The MACS Wire Up and Ready to Go presentation includes:
• Why electrifying everything matters
• How to power your life with clean, renewable energy
• Which incentives and rebates apply to you
• Resources to get you started
ENERGY FOR A CREATION JUSTICE CHURCH By now, you have certainly seen solar panels on homes and businesses. But what about churches? There are some, but have you ever considered whether solar energy could be generated by ERUCC? As we discern our plans for replacing the roof of the main sanctuary in 2023, we should consider this opportunity to include solar panels in our planning.
A leading reason to consider solar panels is our mission and call to be stewards of God’s creation. When we voted to become a Creation Justice Church we adopted a covenant which reads in part:
As a church, and as individuals, we pledge to care for our planet and to seek justice for those whose lives have been adversely affected by the neglect of our environment. This also means that we will recycle responsibly, use the earth’s resources with as little waste as possible, support efforts at reducing the effects of climate change, help protect endangered species, reduce our carbon footprint and stop air and water pollution.
Solar panels would be a significant action our congregation could take to demonstrate our dedication to creation. We currently purchase some of our energy through a community solar model, but direct solar would expand our impact.
Another reason to install solar panels on our main building is to save money! Our building would be able to generate some of its own electricity rather than receiving it from the grid. Money saved could be reinvested elsewhere.
Composting 101
Why is ERUCC composting?
- Composting keeps food waste out of the landfill. This reduces the carbon emissions from the trucks that haul our waste to Chambersburg PA and it reduces the tipping fee that the county pays.
- Food waste in landfills produce gases that are comprised primarily of methane and carbon dioxide, both of which cause global warming.
- Composting is a sustainable way to turn food waste into a healthy life-giving soil.
What can we compost at ERUCC?
- ERUCC has contracted with Key City Compost which is a commercial composting company so we are able to compost much more than you can in a home compost pile.
- ALL food waste including dairy, meat and cooked food can go in the compost bin.
- ALL paper napkins, paper towels, paper plates, food soiled paper and pizza boxes can go in the compost bin.
- BPI compostable cups, bowls and plates. If we use a compostable product during fellowship hour, it will be of compostable quality.
How can you help?
- Follow the signs on the bins for disposing of waste at the end of fellowship.
- Dump liquids into the liquid bucket.
- Food waste and napkins go in the compost bin.
- Items such as clean paper and plastic or glass bottles, jars or tub go in the recycling bin. Check the list for items that can’t be recycled. HINT- Clamshells, plastic trays and plastic wrap are not recyclable.
- Snack bag wrappers go in a separate bin. They can be recycled at Common Market but not in the blue bin.
- Dishes go in the tub to be washed.
- Anything that is left goes in the trash bin. This includes Starbucks cups!
You will be AMAZED at how much we can reduce our landfill footprint! Thanks for helping!