THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 16th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 16th 2021

A full copy of December 16th’s  Thursday Thoughts can be viewed HERE

December 16, 2021

Dear Congregation:

By the front steps of the main sanctuary building stands a blue door with the words, “Peace, hope, joy, and love,” along with a UCC Justice sticker in the middle.  The worship design team sought a way to bring our Advent theme of making room for the holy extend beyond Sunday morning and the sanctuary. It was our hope that the door and the words would engage people walking by as they wondered what the door thing was all about, to serve as a symbol for welcome, to send a message that our doors are open.
It’s been fun to see families take their family photos on the step with the big wreath and then stand by the blue door.  If you have taken any photos with the door, would you please send them to me?  Jenna would like to create a collage of photos.
May our church continue to find ways to demonstrate that our doors are open as we share the Good News of peace, hope, joy, and love for all.

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

Article by Jenna Duranko