THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 2nd 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 2nd 2021

A full copy of December 2nd’s Thursday Thoughts can be found HERE

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

December 2, 2021

Dear Congregation:

We have one more 275th anniversary year event coming up.  On December 19th we will hold a White Gift service.  The White Gift service was the Christmas pageant for ERUCC for many years.  The chancel was draped in white fabric and people brought gifts of canned goods, wrapped in white paper.  The white gifts will be presented during the pageant and laid at the manger, hence the name!
Churches across the USA hold White Gift services with people bringing gifts wrapped in white paper so that no one would know which was an expensive gift and which was a more modest one.  ERUCC’s tradition was to bring food that was shared with Hoffman Homes for Children.
You are invited to participate in the white gift tradition once again by bringing your canned and boxed goods wrapped in white paper or placed in a white paper bag.  The gifts will be shared with the Frederick Food Bank.
The Pageant also provides opportunities for anyone who has a desire to participate to do so as a reader of a piece of the traditional Christmas story, through portrayal as one of the characters (angels, shepherds, etc.), or helping with sound and lighting.

We invite you to join us this year for the Pageant.  Questions? Please contact Trish Coffey at or 301-455-8720.

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

Article by Jenna Duranko