Author: Jenna Duranko



The 10:30 Service can be viewed online : HERE

A copy of November 4th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

November 4, 2021

Dear Congregation:

Throughout Christian history, the church has and continues to remember and celebrate the lives of faithful people who have died.

The German word, Totensonntag, translates to “Sunday of the Dead.” The name indicates the fact that the holiday always falls on the Sunday before Advent. You might also hear the holiday referred to as Ewigkeitssonntag, which means “Eternity Sunday,” or as Totenfest.

Totensonntag is a federal holiday in Germany and the Netherlands. It’s the day of the year when Protestant Christians commemorate their dead. The date is especially devoted to family and community members who have passed in the last few years.   To this day, in parts of Germany, families will visit the graves of loved ones to clean off the summer flowers and cover the graces with evergreens for the winter.

Our friends in Inden and Langerwehe mark this Sunday with communion and the reading of the names of those who have died in their parish.  They share the age of the person who has died and light a candle in their memory.  One year  they put a pine branch on the altar for each name which was then woven into the advent wreath we started using on the first Sunday in Advent.

The tradition of Totenfest, “Feast of the Dead,” was common in the German reformed tradition.  Our church has continued to remember those who have died by reading their names during a Sunday Service, although we have moved the tradition to the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday rather than the last Sunday in Pentecost.

This Sunday, we will remember those who have gone before us with a special presentation by Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Fred Wenner, at 9:30 in the Community Room.  At the 10:30 service, we will be reading aloud the names of church members and your beloved family members and friends who have died since last November 1st.

Come, remember, and give thanks for the communion of saints.


Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701





The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  October 28th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE


October 28, 2021

Dear Congregation:

We are familiar with Homecoming celebrations that are held at high schools and colleges throughout our country.  Surrounding those celebrations are football games, dances, picnics, sometimes a parade. The intent is to bring people together to remember their school and rekindle friendships.

This weekend is my college Homecoming.  While I cannot attend, Jeff Schaeberle is excited to see our friends from the Class of 1981 and I know he will share lots of photos of the weekend.  I like the football game.  I like being able to eat Carolina barbeque and drink the locally made Cheerwine (a soda).  I like going down memory lane and laughing about the dumb things we did in college.  I treasure those days and those friendships.

Many churches hold annual Homecoming celebrations.  For African American churches, especially in the South, these Homecoming services and picnics were a time when family members who had moved North to find better social and economic opportunities returned home to visit family and friends.   This is one of the reasons why the Executive Director if Franklinton Center at Bricks, Vivian Lucas, always greets people arriving on campus with, “Welcome home.”

This Sunday, ERUCC will celebrate its own kind of Homecoming celebration.  If you are comfortable in returning to church, I hope you will consider coming this Sunday, see friends old and new, enjoy a wonderful old-fashioned turkey dinner, engage in conversations about what you remember and what you have valued about your relationship with ERUCC.


Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701



THURSDAY THOUGTS October 21st 2021

THURSDAY THOUGTS October 21st 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  October 21st Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

October 21, 2021

Living Psalms Book is created by UCC Witness & Worship Artists’ Group, a Network of UCC connected artists, activists and ministers bridging the worship and liturgy of the local church with witness and action in the community.  I appreciated the reflection of this group of writers as they pondered how to bring this Psalm to life for us in these days:
Living Psalm 34; 1-8(19-22)

Bless God in the mess,
in the stress, in the wonder, in the might,
Bless God in the grief
With each heartbeat, and in the lonely soul night,
Bless God while I sleep and while I wake,
and while everything within me aches,

Bless God when my joy shatters through my body and my voice erupts in song,
Bless God in the morning, at midday and the gloaming moments all along.
Because when I stretch ed towards God, They answered me, and delivered me.
God carried me through the panic moments and uncertainties,
And still, found me moments of gratitude.

I wept and I cried and I grieved and sighed,
not recognizing this polarized world in pandemic stride,
And yet, here I am, anew, months and months later.
The Angels of the Lord accompanied me,
Strengthened me into mutual aid and care of community,

Taste, then, and see, this feast of abundance,
The wonder of possibility,
The knowing that God is Good.
God will not abandon us in the struggle.
O Bless the Lord, my Soul.

(Living Psalm 34; 1-8(19-22)—Pentecost 22B was written by Chris Davies)

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY THOUGHTS October 14th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS October 14th 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  October 14th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

October 14, 2021

Dear Congregation:

What an honor it was to host the 4H event this past week.  Hundreds of people of all ages came through our doors to celebrate the accomplishments of children and youth with cooking, baking, clothing design, growing vegetables, and caring for animals.  As one of the organizers said to me, “How great for us to be here in a church because churches care about children and God’s creation.”

While we have hosted large events in the past, this was a multiday event utilizing just about all our space on the main sanctuary side of the street.  I am grateful to Amy Aguilar for making the connection and encouraging the group to consider renting with ERUCC.   I am grateful for the church staff and the volunteers who came in and spent hours providing hospitality as we extended our ERUCC welcome.

Before the new space was completed, we had conversations about how we envisioned that space being used. Of course, we thought about our own educational programs and events. We got excited about having plenty of space for fellowship. Some of you may remember when we were crammed into the old social room with standing room only.

We made an intentional decision to call the new room, The Community Room.   This is a place we envisioned the community using, just as the community had been welcomed into our buildings in the past.  It is an opportunity for us to meet community needs while at the same time engaging people in knowing more about who we are as a church.

Last night, for example, several of the 4H staff people asked me about the demographics of our church and what we had been doing during COVID.   They noticed that we had two other groups coming to use space including a support group and the Religious Coalition.  “Busy place,” one of them commented.  And with that comment, I was able to share more about our congregation’s values and how we seek to live them out.  I have been telling them about our children and youth programs, our creation justice work, our engagement with vaccine clinics and hosting the family shelter.

They have met some of us and experienced our hospitality and friendship.

We look forward to hosting more community events in the months to come, a Muslim wedding reception, a community of African immigrants will be celebrating a boy’ 11th birthday (a special rite of passage), and a Quinceanera

ERUCC continues to be a place of warmth and welcome for all.





Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701




THURSDAY THOUGHTS October 7th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS October 7th 2021

The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE

A copy of  October 7th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE

October 7, 2021

Dear Congregation:

“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.  (Isaiah 43: 1)

With these words from the prophet Isaiah, we hear that we belong to God, who has created us and knows are name.

One of the amazing things about living in our area is that there is always something new to discover.  Last week I visited Catoctin Furnace for the first time.   Visiting the Museum of the Ironworker, one can learn about the enslaved peoples who worked the furnace and built many of the buildings in the village.   In the 1970’s a highway expansion project resulted in the excavation of thirty-five graves belonging to some of these enslaved people.  Their names have been left out of the historic record, yet archeological work and the art and science of forensic facial reconstruction has produced two busts of two of these people.

This article from the Washington Post describes the work done to recreate the faces of the people buried in that cemetery:

Sharon Burnston, the archeologist who directed the exhumation, called them the invisible people.  Today, those working at Catoctin Furnace are working to make those who have been forgotten visible.  To remember and honor those who names we know and those whose names we do not know.  In an event called, “The Return of the Names,” the known names of enslaved workers at Catoctin Furnace we read aloud to ensure that they have not been forgotten.

“Say their name,” is the rallying cry for black lives matter marches.  “Say their name,” so that George and Briana and others are known as more than a statistic.

Recently, 700,000 white flags have been placed on the National Mall, each one representing an American lost to the coronavirus pandemic.  Visitors were asked to write their own dedications on the flags, claiming the names of those they have loved and lost.  700,000 is more than a statistic.  Each number represents a name, a person who lived and loved.

For a student, hearing their name pronounced correctly is a reaffirmation of their identity and a celebration of who they are.  Mispronouncing it has the opposite effect.

Part of what I talked about in my sermon last week was how Jesus made the invisible visible.   Our call is to do the same.  Say their names.  Let us not forget how each one of us has been created in the image of God.   God knows our name.  May we commit ourselves to knowing one another and calling one another by name.



Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor

Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701

