The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE
A copy of October 28th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE
October 28, 2021
Dear Congregation:
We are familiar with Homecoming celebrations that are held at high schools and colleges throughout our country. Surrounding those celebrations are football games, dances, picnics, sometimes a parade. The intent is to bring people together to remember their school and rekindle friendships.
This weekend is my college Homecoming. While I cannot attend, Jeff Schaeberle is excited to see our friends from the Class of 1981 and I know he will share lots of photos of the weekend. I like the football game. I like being able to eat Carolina barbeque and drink the locally made Cheerwine (a soda). I like going down memory lane and laughing about the dumb things we did in college. I treasure those days and those friendships.
Many churches hold annual Homecoming celebrations. For African American churches, especially in the South, these Homecoming services and picnics were a time when family members who had moved North to find better social and economic opportunities returned home to visit family and friends. This is one of the reasons why the Executive Director if Franklinton Center at Bricks, Vivian Lucas, always greets people arriving on campus with, “Welcome home.”
This Sunday, ERUCC will celebrate its own kind of Homecoming celebration. If you are comfortable in returning to church, I hope you will consider coming this Sunday, see friends old and new, enjoy a wonderful old-fashioned turkey dinner, engage in conversations about what you remember and what you have valued about your relationship with ERUCC.
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701
E-mail: bkdaniel@erucc.org