Author: Jenna Duranko

THURSDAY THOUGHTS January 6th 2022

THURSDAY THOUGHTS January 6th 2022

A Full Copy of January 6th Thursday Thoughts can be Found HERE

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

January 6, 2022

Dear Congregation:

January 6 is the traditional date for the Festival of Epiphany when we observe the arrival of the magi to worship the child Jesus. January 6, 2014, is the anniversary of the death of Liz Coffey. As much as I try to link the star the magi followed with the bright qualities of Liz, this day will always be a day when I struggle with all the joy that Liz brought into the world as I mourn her loss. And now, we have yet another remembrance for January 6 with the events of last year, when our country experienced an unprecedented challenge to our democracy. Today, I do what I often do. I turn to favorite writers to give me inspiration when I struggle to find the words to express what is on our heart and mind. So, I invite you to ponder with me this reflection by Steve Garnaas-Holmes.

Magi came asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him.” —Matthew 2.2

Herod worries for his crown, and his minions for their supremacy, for the way it was once in the thoughts of their hearts.

A crowd storms the capitol. The army is sent to Bethlehem.

And at home, in the palace of my ego my own Herod quakes.

The Sovereign of Love and the Empire of fear have both revealed themselves.

Who will I serve?

Will I cede power to the Sovereign of Love?

Stand with the power of grace alone, the courage of self-giving?

Or try to take the country back for myself and my kind?

Lead me, star of gentleness, home by another road.

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior PastorEvangelical Reformed United Church of Christbkdaniel@erucc.org301-662-2762

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 30th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 30th 2021

A Full Copy of December 30th Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE


The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

December 30, 2021

Dear Congregation:

One of my goals for the new year is to increase the engagement of our members and friends of ERUCC with each other and the broader community.   COVID necessarily limited our ability to interact with in some of the traditional and most often used ways – such as in-person gatherings for worship, after church fellowship, and other activities.  As we have come back together, in person, we are continuing to find ways to enhance those activities even with precautions.

At the same time, these months have also increased our congregation’s engagement with people who have been able to access our services and programs on-line.  If you add up the number of people in person on a Sunday morning and add the online folks, we have greater engagement than we had before COVID.  We have been able to offer Sunday School and Bible Studies and discussions online that have drawn people in from across the United States. With gratefulness, ERUCC has received a $10,000 gift from Penny George and the George Family Foundation to support our efforts to enhance and expand our online presence.
Wednesday, January 5th at 4:30, a group will gather to consider the implications of our congregation’s presence and outreach beyond the walls of our buildings and even beyond geographical limits.  How do we serve and engage people who will be with us exclusively online?   What can we do to connect the in-person congregation with those who are finding us virtually?

If you are interested in being a part of that conversation, please let me know.    We will meet in person in the Liz Coffey Room and provide a Zoom link for those who wish to join the conversation virtually.

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 23rd 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 23rd 2021

A Full copy of December 23rd Thursday Thoughts can be found HERE

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

December 23, 2021

Dear Congregation:
“Mary, did you know,” is a lovely song that invites us to consider what it was like for Mary as she heard the words from the angel Gabriel.  As we come into our celebration of Christmas, I hope you find meaning in these beautiful alternative words to “Mary, did you know…”
Mary did you know that your ancient words would still leap off our pages?
Mary did you know that your spirit song would echo through the ages?
Did you know that your holy cry would be subversive word, that the tyrants would be trembling when they know your truth is heard?
Mary did you know that your lullaby would stir your own Child’s passion?
Mary did you know that your song inspires the work of liberation?
Did you know that your Jubilee is hope within the heart of all who dream of justice, who yearn for it to start?
The truth will teach, the drum will sound, healing for the pain
The poor will rise, the rich will fall. Hope will live again
Mary did you know that we hear your voice  for the healing of the nations?
Mary did you know, your unsettling cry can help renew creation?
Do you know that we need your faith, the confidence of you,
May the God that you believe in, be so true.

(Lyrics by Jennifer Henry (inspired by the popular song of the same name)

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 16th 2021

THURSDAY THOUGHTS December 16th 2021

A full copy of December 16th’s  Thursday Thoughts can be viewed HERE

December 16, 2021

Dear Congregation:

By the front steps of the main sanctuary building stands a blue door with the words, “Peace, hope, joy, and love,” along with a UCC Justice sticker in the middle.  The worship design team sought a way to bring our Advent theme of making room for the holy extend beyond Sunday morning and the sanctuary. It was our hope that the door and the words would engage people walking by as they wondered what the door thing was all about, to serve as a symbol for welcome, to send a message that our doors are open.
It’s been fun to see families take their family photos on the step with the big wreath and then stand by the blue door.  If you have taken any photos with the door, would you please send them to me?  Jenna would like to create a collage of photos.
May our church continue to find ways to demonstrate that our doors are open as we share the Good News of peace, hope, joy, and love for all.

Rev. Dr.  Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ