June 30 – Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 | Mark 5:21-43
Out of the depths of grief, David laments the death of Jonathan and Saul. Out of the depths of desperation, Jairus calls to Jesus. Out of the depths, a woman grasps to touch Jesus’ cloak. Experiences of vulnerability cause us to feel as if we have nowhere to turn. In these times and places, we are invited to turn to God, whose compassion knows no boundaries. In what ways does grief flow from and become shaped by different experiences of loss – loss of dreams, loss of relationship, loss of life? For what do we cry out and grieve in our lives and the church today? Where would we risk vulnerability for the sake of healing?
We welcome our friends from Evangelischer Pfarrbereich Klein Schwechten in Germany to our service this morning. The Senior Choir will sing.
Click here to WATCH the 10:30 AM Worship Service Live or On-Demand
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ERUCC also holds a healing worship service with Holy Communion at 8:30 AM.