Category: Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, October 18 Bulletin

Sunday, October 18 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, October 18, 2020 Bulletin

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:


Worship Notes               

In Exodus 33:12–23 , we are privy to a conversation between God and Moses. Reminiscent of last week’s struggle of the Hebrew people with an idea or presence of God vs. a tangible, physical god, Moses also asks for proof of God’s presence – to see what God looks like. Matthew 22:15–22 tells the story of discerning taxes, where the stamping of Caesar on the coinage settles the question – “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and unto God the things that are God’s” (v. 21). While this can be seen as an example of the separation of church and state it also harkens back to the wilderness experiences of discerning and following God’s guiding presence.

Sunday, October 11, 2020 Bulletin

Sunday, October 11, 2020 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, October 11, 2020 Bulletin

Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.

You may also join us via live stream at:


Sunday Worship
In our scripture readings for this Sunday we are invited to reflect on what it means to be formed as a community of God’s people, committed to living out the ways of God. Exodus 32: 1-14 contains what is likely one of the most confusing and dramatic stories in the Hebrew Scriptures. It has been interpreted in myriad ways, but mostly as a cautionary tale of turning toward other gods. In Philippians 4: 1-9, Paul uses the Greek word ekklesia — which translates “called out” — to describe the early Christian church. He calls the church to stand firm in the faith, to focus on what is true, honorable, and just. And in all, pray, rejoice, and focus on all that is truly good in God’s realm.


Bulletin  for Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bulletin for Sunday, September 20, 2020

Join us for worship live at 10:30 in our historic main Sanctuary or on-line at

Click HERE for the Sunday, September 20, 2020 Bulletin

Sunday Worship

Wandering in the wilderness, faced with difficulties of survival, the Israelites complain in Exodus 16: 2-15.  Despite their complaint, God graciously gives them the food they need.  Jesus tells the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Matthew 20: 1-16, in which the master of the vineyard in which the master of the vineyard is shown to be incredibly gracious.

Sunday, September 6 Bulletin

Sunday, September 6 Bulletin

CLICK here for the Sunday, September 6 Bulletin.

Join us for Sunday worship, in person, or on-line at:

Exodus 12:1–14 related the story of the first Passover as the enslaved Hebrew community prepared for an epic journey. It was to be a political journey, from slavery to freedom. It also was to be a journey toward community culture and identity.  In Matthew’s gospel in chapter 18, verses 15-20, Jesus offers that “true greatness” comes in the way we live with each other, especially in “reproving another who sins.”  Holding each other accountable before the community and before God is a great and hard commandment.

We will be sharing in Holy Communion this morning,  If you are worshiping at home, please prepare a plate with bread or a cracker and a cup or cups with juice, wine, or water as we share in the sacrament together.


Bulletin, Sunday, August 30

CLICK HERE to view the bulletin for Sunday, August 30th.

To watch the service on-line:

Sunday Worship

In Romans 12: 9-21, named in some Bibles as “Marks of the True Christian,” Paul writes a description of what the Christian life looks like. It reads like a list of instructions, and perhaps was written to offer advice to new Christians. In these exhortations, Paul calls the Christian community to put its faith into action. The imperative verbs give a sense of urgency to the community’s calling. Exercising love, rejoicing in hope, overcoming evil with good – all go to the heart of what it means to be Spirit-led.
A “call to faithful living” is a consistent theme in the readings for this Sunday. Exodus 3:1–15 narrates Moses’ call. It also serves as the call to the people of Israel to hope in God’s promise of a secure future.  In Matthew 16:21–28, Jesus calls both teacher and followers to discipleship

Sunday, August 23 Bulletin

CLICK here for the Sunday, August 23 Bulletin
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Worship Notes:
Paul uses the image of the Body of Christ in Romans 12: 1-8, to describe the community of those who believe in Jesus the Christ and follow in God’s ways. The Spirit forms this body through unique talents, or gifts, given to each person. When community values and nurtures the expression of each individual’s contribution, the bonds of kinship are expanded and strengthened.
Jesus calls out the faith and the gifts of the disciples in order to build the church. Matthew 16:13–20 invites consideration of the authority Jesus grants to the Body of Christ to be agents of God’s compassion and justice.
Add a pair of sandals to your worship center today as a symbol of the journey of discipleship.
Today we will have our annual blessing of the backpacks. If you are participating in worship at home, please hold your backpacks as we offer a blessing for another year of learning.

Sunday, August 16 Bulletin

Sunday, August 16 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, August 16 Bulletin

Psalm 133 offers the subversive claim that to live in unity with kindred – human and all of creation — is to experience the blessings of God.   A Gentile woman’s persistent and unconventional actions move Jesus to break down the barrier between Jew and Gentile. As told in Matthew 15:10–12, 21–28, her faith in God, who works through human activity, changes things for the better.

CLICK HERE for livestream

Sunday, August 9 Bulletin

Sunday, August 9 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, August 9 Bulletin

In Matthew 14:22–33, we read that the disciples are in a boat, terrified by a raging storm. Jesus comes across the water and saves them. Jesus is amazingly comfortable with the churning water, which the Hebrew people feared as chaos. The disciples grow in their certainty of Jesus’ identity God’s anointed one.
This morning we will be sharing in the sacrament of Holy Communion. For those coming to in-person worship you are welcome to receive the bread and cup from Pastor Daniel or bring your own bread and/or juice/wine. The sacrament will be brought to you while you are seated in the pews. If you are participating in worship via live streaming, please prepare communion with bread, a cracker, juice or wine or water. We will bless these gifts together and receive them as one community.