May 30, 2021 Worship Bulletin
Join us for Worship at 8:30 a.m. in- person in historic Trinity Chapel or in-person at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
or, join us online at:
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 30th Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 23rd Children’s Bulletins
May 23, 2021 Worship Bulletin
Join us for Worship at 8:30 a.m. in- person in historic Trinity Chapel or in-person at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
or, join us online at:
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 23rd Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 23rd Children’s Bulletins
May 16 Worship Bulletin
Join us for Worship at 8:30 a.m. in- person in historic Trinity Chapel or in-person at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
or, join us online at:
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 16th Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 16th Children’s Bulletins
In his prayer in John 17: 6-19, Jesus is sure of one thing: everything comes from God.
Sunday, May 9, 2021 Bulletin
Join us for Worship at 8:30 a.m. in- person in historic Trinity Chapel or in-person at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
or, join us online at:
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 9th Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 9th Children’s Bulletins
John 15:9–17 “…love one another.”
These are the words of Jesus to his followers. So simple, and yet not always so easy. Jesus’ commandment to love one another in John, chapter 15, verse 12, is one of the strongest themes of Jesus’ teaching. Not only does Jesus “command” us “to love one another,” he shows us how: To love each other “as I have loved you.” Jesus then “pushes the envelope” in verse 13: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:9-17).
Today, we will ordain and install the newly elected elders, deacons, and committee chairs and honor those who have been serving as deacons and greeters during the past year.
Sunday, May 2nd Bulletin
Join us for Worship at 8:30 a.m. in- person in historic Trinity Chapel or in-person at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
or, join us online at:
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, May 2nd Bulletin
Worship Abides
John 15:1–8 “Every branch that bears fruit God prunes to make it bear more fruit.”
Jesus explains that God is like an expert gardener – an image well understood by the people who lived in Jesus’ agrarian times. Today we can still identify with this imagery’s meaning in our lives. We might already know that if we do not stay connected to the source of life we will not flourish. We will not bear fruit. The connection, to the source of life and community, is vital to our Christian faith. When we forget, how do we become reconnected? I John 4: 7-21 tells how important it is to abide in God. God is love, and when we love one another; God lives in us. Love is the fruit that we, the vine, produce. We are called to love our brothers and sisters, as God has loved us.
This Sunday we will be sharing communion, please prepare your worship centers with bread or a cracker, a cup of water or juice or wine. Following worship, we will have our annual congregational meeting to review church finances and activities for 2020.
Sunday, April 25th Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, April 25 Bulletin
CLICK here for the Children’s Bulletins
You can worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in historic Trinity Chapel or in person in our main Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. Or, worship in the comfort of your home by watching our live stream of the Sunday Service. CLICK HERE to join.
John 10:11–18 “I know my own and my own know me.”
Jesus identifies himself in terms that people of his day and culture could understand – “I am the good shepherd.” Being a good shepherd is linked to knowing the sheep and laying down one’s life for the sheep.In Acts 4: 5-12, we find Peter and John in prison. Power to speak, power to act, power to be bold, power to follow, power to love: all are connected to a belief in the saving power of the name of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
Sunday, April 18, 2021 Bulletin
Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Bulletin
Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Children’s Bulletins
The 10:30 service can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:CLICK HERE to join the livestream at 10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW: 007681
April 18 Love Means Showing Up
Luke 24:36b–48 “Peace be with you.”
Here it is again – another story like last week from John’s gospel (John 20:19–31) when Jesus encounters the disciples after the Resurrection and greets them with a word of peace. This encounter, however, doesn’t seem to calm the disciples but stirs them up. When does being a Christ-like peace bearer stir things up?
Acts 3:12–19 recounts Peter’s sermon following his and John’s healing encounter with a person who has been lame since birth (v. 2).
Sunday, April 11 Bulletin
CLICK here for the SUNDAY, April 11, 2021 Bulletin
CLICK HERE for the Sunday, April 11 Children’s Bulletins
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW: 007681
Worship Notes: Love Is a Response to Grace
John 20:19–31 “Peace be with you.”
In this story, Jesus appears to the disciples when they are locked away in fear and breathes upon them with a word of peace and empowerment. Acts 4:32-35 describes how the early followers of Jesus were so unified that they shared their possessions and cared for another so that no was in need. The Gospel lesson is from John 20: 19-31. When Jesus appears to his followers after the resurrection he shows them his hands and side. Then he breathed on them and blessed them with the Holy Spirit. Thomas arrived later after Jesus had left and said he needed to see for himself. Jesus came to be with them again when Thomas was with them and encouraged Thomas to touch his hands and sides.