A Full Copy Of June 23rd’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE
June 23, 2022
Dear Congregation:
Vacation Bible School, for many of us, was a highlight of our young years with the church. Learning Bible stories and new songs, playing games, and having cool snacks made it a special week. We also learned about giving because a part of every VBS program is a giving project that young people support.
The theme for VBS may change each year but remains constant is the commitment of adults and teenagers to come and help and accompany these children on this part of their faith journey.
If you popped into the Community Room this week or saw any of the photos on the church Facebook page, you would see six children and twice as many adults and teenagers in the room. A first reaction might be, “Why does Kim Sexton need so many helpers. Do we really need all those people for those six children?” The answer is that Kim has nurtured our children’s ministries such that all of us are encouraged to join with our children and their families in their Christian nurture. The church can never have too many adults involved with the supporting and nurturing faith in our young people. What a gift for the six children participating in VBS this week to have three teenagers and 10 adults share this time with them every morning this week.
Whether we have one child or ten children and more participating in the life of our church, our message is that each and every one of them counts. It is not about the numbers. It is about creating a beloved community for all ages.
Many thanks to Kim Sexton, for leading Bible school again this year and to all the adults and the teenagers who helped with games, crafts, music, and snacks and for reminding our children that they are always welcome, cherished, nurtured, and challenged to learn.
If you would like a New Century Hymnal for your home and personal use, there is a box of them available in the rear of the sanctuary. They are a gift from Church of the Holy Trinity UCC.
Also available are books of recipes by local caterer Bea Toms as well as a book about her life. Copies are available on a table in the rear of the sanctuary.
If you wish, you can email Pastor Daniel – – if you would like her to set aside some books to be picked up in the office.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel
Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702