Author: Jenna Duranko



A Full Copy Of August 4th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

August 4, 2022

Dear Congregation:
On July 14 I had the privilege of attending the inaugural meeting of the Key City Rotary Club. The large room at the ARC was filled with members of the community to celebrate this new service club that proclaims its mission as:
“To make a meaningful difference in Frederick County and beyond by putting our values into action. Our vision is a community where people unite and serve to create lasting change.”
In addition, a banner at the event listed the club’s values: inclusion, service, flexibility, integrity. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that organization? In this day and age, these values—especially when put into action—are more important and impactful than ever.
Those of us who are in Rotary know the club and its members are guided by what we call the “four-way test”: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
There was a powerful energy in the room as people claimed this mission, vision, and values. And it got me to thinking: Is ERUCC as clear about its mission, vision, and values as Rotary? Do we embody an excitement about who we are and what we do? Is there energy in our life together, so much so that people are asking us how to belong, join, and get involved?
And if not, why not?
I have been a Rotarian for 29 years and am very proud of the work this service organization does in our community and around the world.
And yet, while Rotary provides service opportunities, it misses the international life we share in the Church, where we embrace the gifts of people of all ages—not as people to help but as people who also serve. The Church community provides advocacy for those whose voices have been silenced. The Church provides sacred space where our souls may be filled with contemplation, prayer, song, and engagement with sacred texts. In the wake of a tragedy such as a school shooting, which are sadly all too common these days, we are not reciting the Rotary four-way test. We are looking within for words of comfort from God and our ancestors. We are reciting the 23rd Psalm, the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus’ words about being with us always. We show up in churches and in community places and light candles in the dark.
A few weeks ago, one of our newer members asked me about our mission statement. She remembered seeing it in the new member packet but wondered why it was not posted in other places and why we did not use it more often. What a great question.
So, here it is:

We, the members of this congregation, seek to celebrate in word and deed the gospel of Jesus Christ, by nurturing spiritual growth through worship, study, and prayer; by caring for one another as God cares for us; and by proclaiming God’s love for all people as we work to help our neighbors near and far. We commit ourselves to develop and implement specific programs to fulfill our mission.
ERUCC has a mission. We gather around the values of inclusion and authenticity. How can we embrace who we are and what we are called to do with a renewed commitment and joy?
We, the members of this congregation, seek to celebrate in word and deed the gospel of    Jesus Christ, by nurturing spiritual growth through worship, study and prayer; by caring           for one another as God cares for us; and by proclaiming God’s love for all people as we   work to help our neighbors near and far.  We commit ourselves to develop and implement         specific programs to fulfill our mission.
ERUCC has a mission.  We gather around the values of inclusion and authenticity.   How can we embrace who we are and what we are called to do with a renewed commitment and joy?

Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel,
Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701



A Full Copy Of July Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

Dear Congregation,As you can imagine as I am wrapping up my last week as staff for ERUCC after 20 years, memories are around every corner, in each drawer cleaned out and each interaction with members of the congregation. One memory that keeps popping in my head happened years ago at some event and someone said, “Aren’t we going to talk about God?” I thought what do they mean? It’s never felt right to me to spout scripture and get credit for all I was doing. I have always tried to live my life like Amy Grant’s song,” In My Father’s Eyes.” For me this was twofold this is how I see my own Father as well as how I see God. I felt that if I you wanted you to know God’s love you should feel it when I interacted with you. You should know you are a beloved child of God, that you have gifts that you are encouraged to share, that there is always enough (love, food, money and more).  When we share our gifts together, we make the world a better place.As I move on to my new role as church Grammie or as Maria and Alyssa say church Mom. I once again thank you for the wonderful celebration. Your kind words, lovely luncheon and unexpected gifts mean more than you know. It has been an honor, blessing and a pleasure to serve as the Associate for Children’s Ministry at ERUCC. I’m grateful for all we have shared with each other.Blessings,Kim SextonAssociate for Children’s Ministry



A Full Copy Of July 21st’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

July 21, 2022

Dear Congregation:
On Tuesday we welcomed our friends from the Altmark region of Germany. Because of COVID, it has been four years since they have been able to visit. We are so grateful that despite the virus and the craziness of travel these days, they are here with us again.
The congregational support for our children and youth is an incredible gift to them, our congregation, and the world. Imagine that our young people grow up loved by their families and dozens of caring adults who nurture them in faith, impart life lessons, serve as mentors, and provide encouragement. We all know that a kind word of support speaks volumes to a young person. As the legendary poet Maya Angelou once wrote, “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
For many years, Kim Sexton and I have been able to work with and support our children, youth, and family ministries. And we’ve seen firsthand our community’s generosity in action. When we reach out to the congregation with requests for donations of funds or cereal or coats or school supplies or whatever the case may be, we know our congregation will respond. Most recently, you have provided funds and food as we provide hospitality for our German friends.
Your generosity helps the work Kim and I do much easier. Even more, our children and youth grow up in an environment of generosity. They learn about giving from the congregation.  They experience the joy of sharing.
Thank you for your continued support of our children and youth. They are not just the future of the church. We know and we acknowledge, and we celebrate, the gifts they share with the life of the church and community today.

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702



A Fully Copy Of July 14th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

July 14, 2022

Dear Congregation:
When I called a recent visitor to worship on Sunday morning, he was effusive with praise about the welcome he received.  He attended on one of the Sundays in June when I was on vacation and while he was sorry we did not connect he wanted me to know how much he enjoyed the service.  He said that there many people who connected with him and introduced themselves.  He felt at home.
Seeing someone you do not recognize, smiling at them, extending a welcome, introducing yourself takes a few seconds of time but for someone seeking community, it makes all the difference.
Another way we extend hospitality and welcome is how we care for our building.  When the building is clean and not cluttered, it says to those who enter, “We want our space to be welcoming, too.”
I spend a few hours every week cleaning up what has been left behind.  No one leaves things intentionally, it just happens, just like in our homes.  I find things like leftover bulletins and miscellaneous paper stuff in the pews and on tables.  Sometimes things in the sanctuary are not put back in place.  Sometimes there are signs and decorations from previous events that seem to remain long after the event is over.
I’m thinking it would be great to have at least four teams with two people each who choose a day to come in during the week and give an hour to help with this task of getting things back to where they belong and or in the trash.  Find a friend, plan to give that hour to the church, and then have coffee or lunch together.  Make it an excursion.
If this is something you may be interested in, please let me know.  Thanks in advance,
As Kim Sexton’s ministry with us as Associate Minister for Children’s Ministries concludes, it is important for our congregation to take time to reflect on what we should start, stop, and continue as it relates to what and how we are sharing in our ministry with children and their families.  With thanks for his help, David Cooney has agreed to facilitate three Listening Sessions. One has been held and there are two more that we hope you will consider attending:

  •  Sunday, July 17, in the Community Room after the 10:30 am service (babysitting provided)
  • Wednesday, July 20, in the Community Room at 6:00 pm in person (babysitting provided)


The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702



A Full Copy Of July 7th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

July 7, 2022

Dear Congregation:

There are seasons in our lives that are perplexing, concerning, and bewildering.  There are seasons in our lives that are painful, grief-filled, and exhausting.  There are seasons in our lives that are joy-filled, exciting, and beautiful.  And like the seasons we experience in nature, where one day it is hot and muggy and the next a cool and breezy day, so it is true in the seasons of our lives.

Over the past few weeks, members of our congregation have faced the death of loved ones. We have found ourselves with unexpected hospitalizations and surgeries.  Some of us are facing a change in our daily routine as we have retired or are making changes in our employment.  Some of us are preparing for a transition to an empty house as our youngest child heads off to college.

We know that change is inevitable; that the seasons come whether we want them to or not.

These changes can be bewildering and fearful.  We wonder how we will go on.  How will we live in this new season?

While those fears and questions do not leave us, we are not left alone to ourselves.  Light breaks into those days.  Hope arrives in unexpected ways.  We laugh as we remember a loved one’s life, even as tears flow from the pain of loss.  We recall stories of how quickly we were able to get to the hospital for that emergency surgery and give thanks.  As we help our young adult pack bags for their new life, we recall those precious days when we watched them get their first tooth, learned how to ride a bike and do all manner of silly things.

Over these weeks, I have seen again, how our church community surrounds one another with hope and light.  We make phone calls, send cards, make visits, and pray.  We listen as stories are told.  We are present as tears flow.  We celebrate the seasons of someone’s life and remind them of the impact they have had on our lives and those of so many others.

The musical, Rent, tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in modern day East Village New York.  They ponder life and how to make sense of what is happening around them.  They ask questions about how to measure the value of life in the beautiful song, “Seasons of Love.”   “In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in laughter, in strife…How do you measure a year in the life? How about love? Remember the love…Measure your life in seasons of love.”

May we see and remember the love that surrounds us from God, family and friends, and our church community as we experience these seasons in our lives.


Please plan to be in worship on Sunday as we celebrate the season of Kim Sexton’s ministry with ERUCC and give thanks for all she has shared with us.

Another Note:

As Kim Sexton’s ministry with us as Associate Minister for Children’s Ministries concludes, it is important for our congregation to take time to reflect on what we should start, stop, and continue as it relates to what and how we are sharing in our ministry with children and their families.  With thanks for his help, David Cooney has agreed to facilitate three Listening Sessions on this. The schedule is:

  • Tuesday, July 12, at 6:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting ID: 837 7566 9655

Passcode: 729030

  • Sunday, July 17, in the Community Room after the 10:30 am service (babysitting provided)
  • Wednesday, July 20, in the Community Room at 6:00 pm in person (babysitting provided)


The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor, Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

15 W. Church Street Frederick MD 21702






A Full Copy of June 30th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

June 30, 2022

Dear Congregation:

If you walk by ERUCC on any given morning, you may find a group of Temple School future professionals hanging out.  They’re drinking coffee, eating lunch, chatting.  I so enjoy walking past and hearing their conversation and laughter.

I took this photo yesterday and told them how glad I was that they felt comfortable to gather on our steps.  I added that I wanted to take a photo so you could see how sitting on our steps are a place of enjoyment.  One of the future professionals said, “Thanks for being so welcoming.”


            Providing a welcome and safe space for people is one of our core values.  Whether it is the front steps or the Community Room or the sanctuary, we want to send the message, “We are glad you are here.”

As our country reels with the January 6th hearings, the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the uncertainty of the economy, the war in Ukraine, and the continued spread of Covid 19, it is even imperative that ERUCC members and friends create an environment of care for anyone who sits on our steps or enters our doors.  These are days when people reach out to the faith community seeking comfort, hope, and peace.

Let us be ready for those visitors who came to our steps and our doors, welcome them and extend our radical hospitality to all.

Another Note:

As Kim Sexton’s ministry with us as Associate Minister for Children’s Ministries concludes, it is important for our congregation to take time to reflect on what we should start, stop, and continue as it relates to what and how we are sharing in our ministry with children and their families.  With thanks for his help, David Cooney has agreed to facilitate three Listening Sessions on this. The schedule is:

  • Tuesday, July 12, at 6:00 pm via Zoom
  • Sunday, July 17, in the Community Room after the 10:30 am service (babysitting provided)
  • Wednesday, July 20, in the Community Room at 6:00 pm in person (babysitting provided)


Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor                                                             Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ

15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701





A Full Copy Of June 23rd’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

June 23, 2022

Dear Congregation:

Vacation Bible School, for many of us, was a highlight of our young years with the church.  Learning Bible stories and new songs, playing games, and having cool snacks made it a special week.  We also learned about giving because a part of every VBS program is a giving project that young people support.
The theme for VBS may change each year but remains constant is the commitment of adults and teenagers to come and help and accompany these children on this part of their faith journey.
If you popped into the Community Room this week or saw any of the photos on the church Facebook page, you would see six children and twice as many adults and teenagers in the room.   A first reaction might be, “Why does Kim Sexton need so many helpers.  Do we really need all those people for those six children?”  The answer is that Kim has nurtured our children’s ministries such that all of us are encouraged to join with our children and their families in their Christian nurture.  The church can never have too many adults involved with the supporting and nurturing faith in our young people. What a gift for the six children participating in VBS this week to have three teenagers and 10 adults share this time with them every morning this week.
Whether we have one child or ten children and more participating in the life of our church, our message is that each and every one of them counts. It is not about the numbers. It is about creating a beloved community for all ages.
Many thanks to Kim Sexton, for leading Bible school again this year and to all the adults and the teenagers who helped with games, crafts, music, and snacks and for reminding our children that they are always welcome, cherished, nurtured, and challenged to learn.


If you would like a New Century Hymnal for your home and personal use, there is a box of them available in the rear of the sanctuary.  They are a gift from Church of the Holy Trinity UCC.
Also available are books of recipes by local caterer Bea Toms as well as a book about her life. Copies are available on a table in the rear of the sanctuary.
If you wish, you can email Pastor Daniel – – if you would like her to set aside some books to be picked up in the office.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702



A Full Copy Of June 16th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

June 16, 2022

Dear Congregation:
I invite you to use these words from Steve  Garnaas-Holmes as a meditation and prayer in preparation for worship this Sunday as we read the story if Elijah’s encounter with God in I Kings 19:1–4, (5–7), 8–15a.

God, your Spirit murmurs in our hearts, low and quiet.
Help us listen, beneath the noise of this world,
to hear the still, small voice of your presence, Amen.

Loving and gentle God, amid the shouts in the streets and the vices in our heads, we want to hear your still, calm voice. Speak to us, heal us with your Word, and call us to new life in the name of Christ. Amen.

God of truth, from you no secrets are hid. You hear what is on our minds; you know what is deep within us. As we wait in your presence now, speak to us– in scripture, in words, in silence, in song. May your whispering voice come to us and touch our hearts. Amen.

Gracious God, we long for your peace. Voices of power shout at us with words of fear. But in your silent, whispering voice you speak your peace to us. You calm our fears. You heal our wounds. You overcome our demons. Help us to listen in hope, to receive in trust, and to live in faith, by the power of your Spirit. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702



A Full Copy Of June 9th Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

Dear Congregation:
When we baptize a child into the life of the church, we as a congregation promise to nurture them in faith. I hold the child and walk through the congregation, introducing you to this newly baptized child and reminding us of all of the promises we have made. I invite us to imagine that child in our Sunday School classes, choirs, and youth group.
On May 24, at our youth-led worship service, we witnessed firsthand the impact we can have on their lives. I was so proud of their confidence as they led the liturgy and shared their thoughts and aspirations on a variety of topics.
One of these youths was Trevor Weakly, who is graduating high school and heading to college in the fall. Trevor spoke about how ERUCC helped him to understand the concept of peace—and how to achieve a more peaceful life. When I imagine the impact the church can have on our young people, this is exactly the kind of thing I hope for. Here’s what Trevor shared:
My time at ERUCC has really helped me focus on what peace is and how to spread it. From my days in Sunday school with Mr. Jim, when we learned about Christianity and prepared for confirmation, to now, where I get to use the skills of peace that the church has taught me in everyday life. ERUCC has encouraged me and my friends to speak up in favor of peace, no matter what opposition we face. At the two UCC General Synods I have attended; the youth have been given a chance to speak in favor of a topic related to a resolution facing the church. We spoke out against the horrors of gun violence and the tragedies of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Even though we are “just kids”, our words must have had some impact, because the Synod had many thoughts about our words, and not all were supportive. Despite the backlash we faced, PD and other adults in the church defended us and encouraged us to always use our voices – ERUCC supports its youth advocating for peace.
            ERUCC has not only helped me discuss peace within the church bubble, but it has also ensured that I have the skills to speak up for peace in the real world. I have had the opportunity to attend rallies on our front steps speaking out against gun violence and attended the Black Lives Matter march in 2020 with my church friends. These protests showed me that there are people outside of ERUCC who also care about peace, and that the work done at the church has a wide impact.
            ERUCC has taught me methods of maintaining internal peace, such as prayer, and has prepared me to enter the world as an advocate for peace. As I head to college, I hope to work towards resolving international conflict as part of my career, and the skills I have learned from my friends and from adults at ERUCC will help me speak up and promote the word Jesus who reminds us, “do not let your hearts be troubled.” Even as Jesus faced crucifixion, he reminded his disciples that peace is key.

Another Note:   I will be on vacation June 3-18.  During this time, please contact Tyler York or Kim Sexton with any needs or concerns.

***Please join us in welcoming back from Germany, Carmen Horth, who will be in worship this Sunday with her husband, Max.  Carmen served as a volunteer with the Religious Coalition from 2014-2015.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702