The people of Israel and Palestine are on our hearts and in our prayers. We are heartbroken and devastated by the attacks launched on communities in Israel by Hamas and the escalation of violence by Israel against communities in the Gaza Strip. We mourn the horrific deaths, injuries, and abductions already suffered and join the calls for an immediate ceasefire to this violence.
The God of Abraham calls all people of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith to value life, honor humanity, and strive for peace. As people of faith, we are committed to praying and working toward an immediate end to the violence. We pray for healing and peace. We pray for a peace that brings about safety and security, justice, equality, and hope for all people.
We, the people of Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ, believe we are called by God to bring love where there is hate, hope where there is despair, light where there is darkness, unity where there is discord. We are here to support our neighbors and friends at Congregation Kol Ami, Beth Sholom Congregation, and the Islamic Society of Frederick in this time of violence and suffering.
We pray for peace, for shalom, for salam.