Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 12:1-9 | Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
In Genesis 12, Abraham is called at an old age to leave his home and settle in a new land. The call comes with a promise that God will make of him a great nation. Abraham obeys and, along with an entourage of family members and servants, leaves Haran and travels south to Canaan. What would motivate you to leave your home well-past retirement age and move to an unknown location? Abraham stands as the first of the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – and is the first participant in the covenant between God and Israel. The sermon is about change being scary good.
The Rev. David Cooney will be preaching and leading worship. We will be sharing communion at the chancel rail this morning. Spirit will be singing.
Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand
Click here to to VIEW the June 11 Worship Bulletin
ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.