CLICK HERE to read the December 31 Thursday Thoughts
December 31, 2020
Dear Congregation:
I do not need to remind us that it has been a long and hard year. What I do want us to remember, lest we forget, that throughout it all, God’s grace and strength has been our guide. We have found comfort and hope in God’s word. We have experienced encouragement as we have walked with one another through fear and anxiety. We have learned how to be resilient in ways we never imagined.
May we enter the new year with hope and with the knowl3dge that no matter who we are or where we are on life’s journey, God is with us.
I invite you to share in this prayer from the UCC Worship Ways for the New Year:
God of Creation and Wonder, you formed us in your image.
You gave us your Son who taught us how to live out your teachings.
Give us the strength and wisdom to make this world your world.
Open our hearts to the possibilities of the new year.
Remove any cynicism or mistrust we may be clinging to
and fill us with the hope of a new beginning. Amen.
Worship Notes: Epiphany Sunday On this day our church will celebrate Epiphany, a name that comes from a Greek word meaning “to make manifest” or “to display.” During the season of Epiphany, Christians rejoice in the gift of saving love and the unfolding vision of wholeness that God has made manifest for all people in Jesus the Christ. Our call is to participate in proclaiming this good news. We will read from Isaiah 60:1–6 as the prophet declares that “nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” The Gospel lesson describes the story of the arrival of the magi to pay homage to Jesus, Matthew 2: 1-12. We will be sharing in Holy Communion.