Click HERE to retrieve the Sunday, October 25 Bulletin.
Join us for worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Chapel or at 10:30 a.m. in our main Sanctuary.
You may also join us via live stream at: https://boxcast.tv/view/sunday-1030-service-632387
Worship Notes:
As the community of Jesus’ disciples, we are called to find ways to proclaim the love of God to our neighbors. The Gospel lesson in Matthew 22: 34-46 reminds the emerging Christian community of Jesus’ rules – unconditional love for God and neighbor. Today’s reading from the Hebrew scriptures, Deuteronomy 34: 1-12, brings to an end the life of Moses. He is given a glimpse of the promised land, but he will not cross over into it.
Felecia Bishop will be speaking as part of our Faces of Love campaign.
We will also be dedicating our pledges for our 2021 financial support of the mission and ministry of ERUCC. Pledges can be made in person, via the web page, via mail, or dropped off at the church office or brought to worship this Sunday to be received during the offering.
Don’t forget to come by the church between noon and 2 to pick up your tasty treat lovingly prepared by David Howard. A thank you for your ongoing prayer and support.