CLICK HERE to read Thursday Thoughts for October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Dear Congregation:
September of 2020 marked the 6th Anniversary of the Emergency Family Shelter. Since September 2014, the Coalition has sponsored a rotating family shelter hosted by local congregations. During the day families are sheltered at the Coalition’s day shelter and receive case management support from our staff. For the past 2,000+ nights, the program has provided a safe and compassionate environment to more than 200 families.
ERUCC is among the congregations who have hosted families over these past six years. The families have been staying at Trinity Chapel during the weeks we are hosting. Volunteers have come from our congregation as well as the Unitarian Uiversalist Conhregation of Frederick and Congregation Kol Ami.
During the pandemic, families have been housed at Camp West Mar (YMCA Camp), Mar-Lu-Ridge and hotels as it was not prudent or safe to move families from church to church.
The challenging aspect of the scattered church shelter model is the toll it takes on families moving from place to place and the difficulties our congregations have encountered to provide night-time housing.
I am excited that in 2019, the Coalition purchased a large and historic farmhouse at 7516 Hayward Road from the City of Frederick. This farmhouse will serve as the new home for the Emergency Family Shelter. With over 9,000 square feet, this property will allow a comprehensive, single-site shelter program, offering the stability that families experiencing homelessness need. Conveniently located on a bus route, the new Emergency Family Shelter will provide temporary housing and supportive services to up to 50 of our neighbors in dire need every day of the week, around the clock. This property will:
- Provide a more stable day and night-time environment
- Lessen the adverse effects of homelessness on children
- Expand the Coalition’s capacity for care
- Host centralized support services
- Allow Family meal preparation in shared kitchen and dining facilities.
This is a huge project that will require support from the entire Frederick community. Our faith communities, with our commitment to serve neighbors in need, will play a huge role in supporting the development of this facility.
Members of the ERUCC Mission and Social Advocacy Committee toured the facility in September and will be considering how ERUCC will financially support this project.
Daytona Beach Work Trip November 14 – 21, 2020
We are gathering a small group, less than ten people, for a Daytona Beach mission trip, November 14th – 21st. We will be working with the same organization as we did in 2018 and 2019. Contact Pastor Daniel if you are interested and want more information about the safety protocols, travel plans, housing, etc.
Worship Notes
In our scripture readings for this Sunday we are invited to reflect on what it means to be formed as a community of God’s people, committed to living out the ways of God. Exodus 32: 1-14 contains what is likely one of the most confusing and dramatic stories in the Hebrew Scriptures. It has been interpreted in myriad ways, but mostly as a cautionary tale of turning toward other gods. In Philippians 4: 1-9, Paul uses the Greek word ekklesia — which translates “called out” — to describe the early Christian church. He calls the church to stand firm in the faith, to focus on what is true, honorable, and just. And in all, pray, rejoice, and focus on all that is truly good in God’s realm.
Food for Thought:
“God dreams for us today. Today, at this moment, God has an image and hope for what we are becoming. We should not let God dream alone.” (Dorothy Soelle)
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701
E-mail: bkdaniel@erucc.org