CLICK HERE to see your Thursday Thoughts for September 3, 2020
Dear Congregation:
I know I don’t need to remind us all that we are in a different world when it comes to our life as a church and everything else. As we anticipate being in this time of pandemic for months to come, we are evaluating what is most helpful for keeping in holding our community connected with one another. We continue to assess how we can continue our ministry and mission while keeping one another safe.
In-person worship on Sundays and at 6 pm on Wednesdays, outside on the patio, and robust live-streaming provides a variety of choices for worship. We have a number of adult educational programs and mission outreach activities being planned. Sunday School for children and youth will resume on September 13th via Zoom calls. The youth group and God’s Kids’ Club are meeting regularly. I am excited about the formation of a new youth group composed of 5th – 7th graders.
One of the areas that we are continuing to evaluate is communications with the congregation. Thursday Thoughts and the monthly newsletter continue. We’ve added the delivery or mailing of worship packets every month and the feedback we have received is positive to continue preparing and delivering those packets. If you wish to opt out, please let Amy know.
Early in the pandemic, we added a Monday email blast to provide updated information people to pray for as well as building and activity news. As the bulletins are printed so many weeks in advance, the Monday email became a way to fill in the information gap between the bulletins and the newsletter.
I kindly ask that you please let me know or Amy know what you have found helpful in terms of communication and if there are other things you would like us to communicate with you.
I would like to add that one of the challenges for me, as your pastor, is that it is a challenge to go from interacting regularly with 150 + of you each Sunday to less than 30. I have missed those face-to-face interactions. Phone calls and email contacts are not the same but as we say over and over these days, it is better than not having contact at all these days.
I have been meeting with those of who feel comfortable sitting outside on your porch, backyard, or in Baker Park. I’ve enjoyed some physically distanced walking with a few of you. Let me know if you want to meet somewhere.
Feel free to call the office or send me an email if you want to have a conversation.
Further Note
The Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC will be meeting the end of September. Here is a link to the agenda and program for the week — September 21-26.
I encourage you to consider attending the meeting as it will give you a broader look at the UCC and how our conference works in our region.
The church has budgeted for our members to attend these meetings and events of the UCC. If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I’ll register you.