Sunday, April 18, 2021 Bulletin
Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Bulletin
Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Children’s Bulletins
The 10:30 service can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:CLICK HERE to join the livestream at 10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW: 007681
April 18 Love Means Showing Up
Luke 24:36b–48 “Peace be with you.”
Here it is again – another story like last week from John’s gospel (John 20:19–31) when Jesus encounters the disciples after the Resurrection and greets them with a word of peace. This encounter, however, doesn’t seem to calm the disciples but stirs them up. When does being a Christ-like peace bearer stir things up?
Acts 3:12–19 recounts Peter’s sermon following his and John’s healing encounter with a person who has been lame since birth (v. 2).