Category: Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, April 18, 2021 Bulletin

Sunday, April 18, 2021 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Bulletin

Click HERE for the Sunday, April 18 Children’s Bulletins

The 10:30 service  can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:CLICK HERE to join the livestream at 10:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681


April 18      Love Means Showing Up
            Luke 24:36b–48 “Peace be with you.”

Here it is again – another story like last week from John’s gospel (John 20:19–31) when Jesus encounters the disciples after the Resurrection and greets them with a word of peace. This encounter, however, doesn’t seem to calm the disciples but stirs them up. When does being a Christ-like peace bearer stir things up?

Acts 3:12–19 recounts Peter’s sermon following his and John’s healing encounter with a person who has been lame since birth (v. 2).


Sunday, April 11 Bulletin

Sunday, April 11 Bulletin

CLICK here for the SUNDAY, April 11,  2021 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, April 11 Children’s Bulletins

The 10:30 service  can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:CLICK HERE to join the livestream at 10:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681

Worship Notes:          Love Is a Response to Grace

                        John 20:19–31 “Peace be with you.”

In this story, Jesus appears to the disciples when they are locked away in fear and breathes upon them with a word of peace and empowerment.                                                                    Acts 4:32-35 describes how the early followers of Jesus were so unified that they shared their possessions and cared for another so that no was in need.  The Gospel lesson is from John 20: 19-31.  When Jesus appears to his followers after the resurrection he shows them his hands and side.  Then he breathed on them and blessed them with the Holy Spirit.  Thomas arrived later after Jesus had left and said he needed to see for himself.  Jesus came to be with them again when Thomas was with them and encouraged Thomas to touch his hands and sides.

Easter Sunday Bulletin

Easter Sunday Bulletin

CLICK here for the SUNDAY, April 4, Easter Sunday Bulletin

The 10:30 service  can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:CLICK HERE to join the livestream at 10:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681


 Easter Sunday

Women were the last at the cross; now they are first at Jesus’ tomb.  The news of the Resurrection fills them with “terror and amazement.”  The astonishing news of the Resurrection, Mark 16: 1-8, transformed Jesus’ followers into courageous preachers of the good news of Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                                    

We will share communion this morning.  Please have bread or crackers, juice, water or wine prepared in your homes to share in communion together.  Add some fresh flowers to your worship center in celebration of the gift of new life.

Sunday, March 28 Bulletin: Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 28 Bulletin: Palm Sunday

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, March 28th Bulletin


The 10:30 service  can be attended in person or can be viewed online at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681

Palm Sunday

Mark 11:1–11 “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!”

This week marks the beginning of the week when we tell the story that is central to our faith.  It begins with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and continues with his arrest, trial, and death.  Next comes the Resurrection.  We will hear of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as we read from Mark 11: 1-11 and then of his passion as we read from Mark 14 and 15.


Sunday, March 21 Bulletin

Sunday, March 21 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, March 21st Bulletin

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681

Fifth Sunday in Lent          God’s Love is on Our Hearts

Jeremiah 31:31–34 “I will write it on their hearts.”

Jeremiah’s words in 31: 31-34 offer assurance that deep in our hearts we will know God’s word and ways.  This is a week where we hear the words of hope spoken to a people wondering about their future.  In John 12: 20-22 we look at covenant and recognize that being in relationship requires more than simply the legalities.  Choices about living in God’s way are required.  However, God’s grace is continually offered.

Sunday, March 14 Bulletin

Sunday, March 14 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, March 14th Bulletin

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681


               Fourth Sunday in Lent
One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday 

Isaiah 49:8–12 articulates a stunning vision for a world of justice and equity; a world where everyone has enough, and all live in safety and abundance. It is also a vision for a world of interconnectedness. In this vision, what is good for you is also good for your neighbor; what is good for one country is good for the whole world; and what harms any one of us harms us all.

This morning we will be receiving our One Great Hour of Sharing offering.


CLICK HERE for SUNDAY livestream
CLICK HERE for this week’s bulletin. 
CLICK HERE for the Children’s bulletins



Bulletin  Sunday, March 7, 2021

Bulletin Sunday, March 7, 2021

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, March 7, 2021 Bulletin


Third Sunday in Lent
Psalm 19 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O God.”
With the image of God as a rock, the end of the Psalm 19 uses an image from Creation for God that alludes back to the Creation language at the beginning of the psalm. Skies and rocks speak of God. The individual or leader who prays this psalm prays to live in dependence on God, and in harmony with all Creation.

John 2:13–22 speaks of Creation and justice in a different way. In the ancient world, the temple was understood as a microcosm of Creation. This relationship to Creation is evident in the architecture and decorations of the temple. Jesus cleansing the temple is a cleansing of Creation from injustice. In calling his body the temple, Christ holds together spirit and matter. The body is spiritual, is God’s temple. Christ’s body is a microcosm of Creation. If this is so, then Creation could be understood as the body of God.
We will share in Holy Communion this morning.  Have some bread and a cracker and a cup of water, wine or juice at your worship centers.

Bulletin Sunday, February 28

Bulletin Sunday, February 28

CLICK HERE For the Sunday, February 28, 2021 bulletin


Join us for worship on line at 10:30 service   at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681

Second Sunday in Lent

Our first scripture reading for this Second Sunday in Lent is Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16, and speaks to trust in God’s promises.  Abram and Sarai are childless; yet God makes a covenant, promising Abram he will be the ancestor of many nations.  In Mark 8: 31-38, Jesus and his disciples are near Caesarea Philippi.  For the first time, Jesus teaches that he will suffer and die.

Today we will be honoring our young people and their families involved with Scouting.


Bullentin, Sunday, February 21, 2021

Bullentin, Sunday, February 21, 2021

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, February 21, 2021 Bulletin

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681


First Sunday in Lent

During the Season of Lent, we reflect on what it means to journey through life as God leads us. The first lesson this morning, Genesis 9: 8-17, is the first description of a covenant in the Bible. God promises Noah never again to destroy the earth. After a period of preparation and testing in the wilderness, Mark 1: 9-15, Jesus begins his ministry, proclaiming the good news that God’s reign is breaking into the world in a new way.

Sunday, February 14 Bulletin

Sunday, February 14 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, February 14 Worship Bulletin

The 10:30 service can be viewed online.  CLICK HERE to tune in.

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship: PW:  007681

February 14                           Transfiguration Sunday

The Season after the Epiphany ends with the story of Jesus’ transfiguration in Mark 9: 2-9. This revealing of Jesus’ glory is a turning point, marking the end of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee and the beginning of the journey towards Jerusalem and the fate that awaits Jesus there. Just before today’s reading, Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. But Peter does not understand Jesus’ teaching about the kind of Messiah Jesus has come to be.      I John 4: 7-19 reminds us of the gift of love.

Norman Ross will be preaching this morning and Kim Sexton leading the liturgy.  The ERUCC singers will be reading scripture.