June 25, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

June 25, 2023 – 10:30 am Worship Service

Join Evangelical Reformed UCC’s 10:30 am Worship Service in our Main Sanctuary and online.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Romans 6: 1b-11  |  Matthew 10: 24-39

Jesus taught his disciples, the twelve and those to come, about what to expect because of their faithfulness. He prepares them for rejection, persecution, and martyrdom. At one point he offers the startling statement that he had come not to bring peace but a sword and that families and friends would be divided. The teaching is so stark that it is often ignored, rarely serving as the text in sermons. On this day we will wrestle with the text and reflect why, though uncomfortable, it is important. Have you ever thought about Jesus as a divider instead of uniter?

The Rev. David Cooney will be preaching and leading worship. The Senior Choir will be singing.

Click here to WATCH the 10:30 am Worship Service Live or On-Demand

Click here to to VIEW the June 25 Worship Bulletin

ERUCC also holds a worship service at 8:30 am in historic Trinity Chapel, 10 W Church Street.

Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC