January 31 Bulletin

January 31 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, January 31 Bulletin

he 10:30 service can be viewed online at:https://boxcast.tv/view/sunday-january-31-2021-989406

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowshiphttps://zoom.us/j/153605864?pwd=M2VSRjZsRDdFd1Q4bms0RExzam5SUT09&status=success PW:  007681


Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
In the gospel lesson, Mark 1: 21-28, Jesus is revealed as one who speaks and acts with God’s authority. In the focus passage, Jesus teaches and casts out an unclean spirit.  God will provide wisdom, courage, and power to those whom God calls to lead. In Deuteronomy 18:15–20, an account from near the end of Moses’ life, Moses assures the people that God will raise up new prophets who will speak with God’s authority just as Moses has.




Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC