Join Evangelical Reformed UCC for a Good Friday Worship Service at 7:30 PM in our Main Sanctuary and online.
March 29 – Good Friday
“Prone to leave the God I love””
John 13:31 – 19:30
On this Holy Day, we are paying close attention to how Peter acts in Jesus’ final hours. So much
happens in a short amount of time: Jesus predicts Peter’s denial, soldiers come and Peter draws his
sword, Jesus is arrested and Peter28 denies him, Peter denies Jesus again and again and the cock
crows, then Jesus is crucified and dies. Peter is prone to mess up, to fight, to deny, to leave, to seek
safety for himself. But aren’t we all? May we lament all the ways we are prone to leave the God we love.
Click here to WATCH the 7:30 PM Worship Service Live or On-Demand