A Fully Copy Of July 14th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE

July 14, 2022

Dear Congregation:
When I called a recent visitor to worship on Sunday morning, he was effusive with praise about the welcome he received.  He attended on one of the Sundays in June when I was on vacation and while he was sorry we did not connect he wanted me to know how much he enjoyed the service.  He said that there many people who connected with him and introduced themselves.  He felt at home.
Seeing someone you do not recognize, smiling at them, extending a welcome, introducing yourself takes a few seconds of time but for someone seeking community, it makes all the difference.
Another way we extend hospitality and welcome is how we care for our building.  When the building is clean and not cluttered, it says to those who enter, “We want our space to be welcoming, too.”
I spend a few hours every week cleaning up what has been left behind.  No one leaves things intentionally, it just happens, just like in our homes.  I find things like leftover bulletins and miscellaneous paper stuff in the pews and on tables.  Sometimes things in the sanctuary are not put back in place.  Sometimes there are signs and decorations from previous events that seem to remain long after the event is over.
I’m thinking it would be great to have at least four teams with two people each who choose a day to come in during the week and give an hour to help with this task of getting things back to where they belong and or in the trash.  Find a friend, plan to give that hour to the church, and then have coffee or lunch together.  Make it an excursion.
If this is something you may be interested in, please let me know.  Thanks in advance,
As Kim Sexton’s ministry with us as Associate Minister for Children’s Ministries concludes, it is important for our congregation to take time to reflect on what we should start, stop, and continue as it relates to what and how we are sharing in our ministry with children and their families.  With thanks for his help, David Cooney has agreed to facilitate three Listening Sessions. One has been held and there are two more that we hope you will consider attending:

  •  Sunday, July 17, in the Community Room after the 10:30 am service (babysitting provided)
  • Wednesday, July 20, in the Community Room at 6:00 pm in person (babysitting provided)


The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel

Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702

Article by Jenna Duranko