A Full Copy Of June 16th’s Thursday Thoughts Can Be Found HERE
June 16, 2022
Dear Congregation:
I invite you to use these words from Steve Garnaas-Holmes as a meditation and prayer in preparation for worship this Sunday as we read the story if Elijah’s encounter with God in I Kings 19:1–4, (5–7), 8–15a.
God, your Spirit murmurs in our hearts, low and quiet.
Help us listen, beneath the noise of this world,
to hear the still, small voice of your presence, Amen.
Loving and gentle God, amid the shouts in the streets and the vices in our heads, we want to hear your still, calm voice. Speak to us, heal us with your Word, and call us to new life in the name of Christ. Amen.
God of truth, from you no secrets are hid. You hear what is on our minds; you know what is deep within us. As we wait in your presence now, speak to us– in scripture, in words, in silence, in song. May your whispering voice come to us and touch our hearts. Amen.
Gracious God, we long for your peace. Voices of power shout at us with words of fear. But in your silent, whispering voice you speak your peace to us. You calm our fears. You heal our wounds. You overcome our demons. Help us to listen in hope, to receive in trust, and to live in faith, by the power of your Spirit. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel
Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21702