The 10:30 service can be viewed online: HERE
A copy of October 14th Thursday Thoughts can be viewed: HERE
October 14, 2021
Dear Congregation:
What an honor it was to host the 4H event this past week. Hundreds of people of all ages came through our doors to celebrate the accomplishments of children and youth with cooking, baking, clothing design, growing vegetables, and caring for animals. As one of the organizers said to me, “How great for us to be here in a church because churches care about children and God’s creation.”
While we have hosted large events in the past, this was a multiday event utilizing just about all our space on the main sanctuary side of the street. I am grateful to Amy Aguilar for making the connection and encouraging the group to consider renting with ERUCC. I am grateful for the church staff and the volunteers who came in and spent hours providing hospitality as we extended our ERUCC welcome.
Before the new space was completed, we had conversations about how we envisioned that space being used. Of course, we thought about our own educational programs and events. We got excited about having plenty of space for fellowship. Some of you may remember when we were crammed into the old social room with standing room only.
We made an intentional decision to call the new room, The Community Room. This is a place we envisioned the community using, just as the community had been welcomed into our buildings in the past. It is an opportunity for us to meet community needs while at the same time engaging people in knowing more about who we are as a church.
Last night, for example, several of the 4H staff people asked me about the demographics of our church and what we had been doing during COVID. They noticed that we had two other groups coming to use space including a support group and the Religious Coalition. “Busy place,” one of them commented. And with that comment, I was able to share more about our congregation’s values and how we seek to live them out. I have been telling them about our children and youth programs, our creation justice work, our engagement with vaccine clinics and hosting the family shelter.
They have met some of us and experienced our hospitality and friendship.
We look forward to hosting more community events in the months to come, a Muslim wedding reception, a community of African immigrants will be celebrating a boy’ 11th birthday (a special rite of passage), and a Quinceanera
ERUCC continues to be a place of warmth and welcome for all.
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701