Sunday, April 25th Bulletin

Sunday, April 25th Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, April 25 Bulletin

CLICK here for the Children’s Bulletins

You can worship in person at 8:30 a.m. in historic Trinity Chapel or in person in our main Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m.  Or, worship in the comfort of your home by watching our live stream of the Sunday Service.  CLICK HERE to join.

 Love in Truth and Action
John 10:11–18 “I know my own and my own know me.”

Jesus identifies himself in terms that people of his day and culture could understand – “I am the good shepherd.” Being a good shepherd is linked to knowing the sheep and laying down one’s life for the sheep.In Acts 4: 5-12, we find Peter and John in prison.  Power to speak, power to act, power to be bold, power to follow, power to love: all are connected to a belief in the saving power of the name of God and the name of Jesus Christ.





Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC