March 18, 2021
Dear Congregation:
From the beginning of this pandemic, the church has vowed to be transparent with our communication. I am grateful for the hard work of the re-=opening team last spring and the hours of work they put into envisioning how we could open up our buildings and worship in-person while providing options for people to remain at home.
Now that more of us are vaccinated, we are seeing an uptick in attendance for worship on Sunday mornings.
Even though some restrictions have been relaxed, the leadership of the church reminds you that when in the church buildings and worship we must wear our masks, maintain distance as we are seated, and refrain from singing. We continue to encourage you to wash your hands frequently and to make use of the hand sanitizer we have available.
We are prepared to welcome more of you and your family and friends to worship. Our deacons and greeters will be present on Sunday mornings to help you and others be seated so that we are able to maintain appropriate distancing. A gentle note – they may not be able to seat you where you normally enjoy sitting.
We ask that you please enter through the front doors of the Keiffer (Church Street) Foyer where our greeters will warmly welcome you to ERUCC. The parking lot remains available for those who have mobility challenges.
Worship Notes: Fifth Sunday in Lent God’s Love is on Our Hearts
Jeremiah 31:31–34 “I will write it on their hearts.”
Jeremiah’s words in 31: 31-34 offer assurance that deep in our hearts we will know God’s word and ways. This is a week where we hear the words of hope spoken to a people wondering about their future. In John 12: 20-22 we look at covenant and recognize that being in relationship requires more than simply the legalities. Choices about living in God’s way are required. However, God’s grace is continually offered.
Food for Thought:
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701