Sunday, March 21 Bulletin

Sunday, March 21 Bulletin

CLICK HERE for the Sunday, March 21st Bulletin

The 10:30 service can be viewed online at:

11:30 a.m. Virtual Fellowship PW:  007681

Fifth Sunday in Lent          God’s Love is on Our Hearts

Jeremiah 31:31–34 “I will write it on their hearts.”

Jeremiah’s words in 31: 31-34 offer assurance that deep in our hearts we will know God’s word and ways.  This is a week where we hear the words of hope spoken to a people wondering about their future.  In John 12: 20-22 we look at covenant and recognize that being in relationship requires more than simply the legalities.  Choices about living in God’s way are required.  However, God’s grace is continually offered.

Article by Evangelical Reformed UCC