Now Available! November 2020 CLICK HERE FOR FORM
Excited to reveal the 275th Anniversary commemorative ornament, featuring Trinity Chapel’s beautiful stained glass window.
This miniature, just 2”x3” in size, reproduces the historic window on glass, with a metal frame and hanger. Now available for sale at $15 each, your purchase supports the Preserving Our History campaign. All funds raised through the sale of the miniature windows go directly into our historic building preservation fund.
Just 200 boxed miniatures were ordered, the shipment is here, and they are available for purchase today. Use the order form below, or contact ERUCC to submit your request.
A sincere thank you to Jeff Schaeberle whose photograph of the stained glass window was used to create this miniature. His talents shine brightly at ERUCC!
Yes! I/We want to order the miniature of Trinity Chapel’s stained glass window
Quantity: _______ @ $15 each * = $ ___________
How would you like to receive them? r Pick up from church
Deliver with my next envelope Other __________________________________
I/We would like to make an additional donation to the 275th Campaign this year $ __________
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________ Phone:______________________________
* 100% of your purchase is a donation to ERUCC’s Preserving Our History campaign! The cost of the ornaments has been underwritten so that all purchases support the anniversary campaign.
Thank you!
15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701 | 301-662-2762 ♦ Fax 301-695-2578 ♦ www.erucc.org