Sunday Schedule
Early Worship Service, 8:30 – 9:15 AM
Sanctuary. Worship Service with Communion and Prayer, Sanctuary
Coffee and Conversation, 9:00 – 10:15 AM
Kieffer Lobby. Enjoy some coffee or tea and chat. This is an opportunity to relax, meet new friends, and catch up with old ones.
Let’s Study the Bible, 9:00 – 10:15 AM
North Room / Zoom. Adult Bible Study led by the Revs. John and Rebecca Shillingburg. Contact the church office for Zoom information.
Nursery Care, 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Nursery care is available with a paid attendant and Safe Church-trained volunteers on the first floor of our main building.
Children’s Sunday School, 9:15 – 10:00 AM
Check-in in the Kieffer Lobby for the Pre-K – 2nd Grade Sunday School Class and the 3rd – 5th Grade Sunday School Class.
Youth Sunday School, 9:15 – 10:15 AM
Trinity Chapel. Classes for Middle School Youth and High School Youth.
Let’s Talk, 9:30 – 10:15 AM
Flora Room. An adult educational opportunity that focuses on how we can live out our faith and share our knowledge and expertise.
Children’s Music and Movement, 10:00- 10:20 AM
Nursery care is available with a paid attendant and Safe Church-trained volunteers on the first floor of our main building.
Worship Service, 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Sanctuary and Online. A traditional mix of worship, prayer, singing and sharing. You can also join worship online live or on-demand!
Fellowship, 11:30 AM
Community Room. Enjoy a time of light refreshment after worship.