Tag: Tuesdays with Ted

Tuesday’s With Ted

Tuesday’s With Ted

TUESDAYS WITH TED   TUESDAY, December 8 from 6 to 7 p.m.


Meeting ID: 923 9891 8264             Password: 313735

 “What Does It Take to Change A Mind” with Lucinda Beaman

“A man convinced against his will is of his opinion still.”  Ever tried to change a person’s mind when they weren’t really that convinced? Impossible, right? As fact check editor at The Conversation, Lucinda Beaman sees first-hand the conflict between facts and beliefs. She offers a framework for understanding how we process information and how we can connect with those who disagree with us.

Tuesdays With Ted: Mike Robbins, “The Power of Appreciation”

Tuesdays With Ted: Mike Robbins, “The Power of Appreciation”

In this humorous and thought-provoking talk at TEDxBellevue, Mike talks about “The Power of Appreciation.” As Mike discusses, there is an important distinction between “recognition” and “appreciation.” Leaders, teams, organizations, and individuals who understand this distinction can have much more impact, meaning, and productivity in their lives and with the people around them. He also discusses important research in the field of positive psychology that exemplifies the importance of appreciation.

Mike Robbins is a former professional baseball player and author. His work focuses on appreciation, teamwork, leadership and emotional intelligence.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.   The group watches a TED Talk and then discusses the ideas raised in the presentation.