Tag: education

Tuesdays With Ted: Sebastian Junger, “Our Lonely Society Makes It Hard to Come Home from War”

Tuesdays With Ted: Sebastian Junger, “Our Lonely Society Makes It Hard to Come Home from War”

Sebastian Junger, “Our Lonely Society Makes It Hard to Come Home From War”  Sebastian Junger has seen war up close, and he knows the impact that battlefield trauma has on soldiers. But he suggests there’s another major cause of pain for veterans when they come home: the experience of leaving the tribal closeness of the military and returning to an alienating and bitterly divided modern society. “Sometimes, we ask ourselves if we can save the vets,” Junger says. “I think the real question is if we can save ourselves.”


TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.   The group watches a TED Talk and then discusses the ideas raised in the presentation.

Tuesdays With Ted: Mike Robbins, “The Power of Appreciation”

Tuesdays With Ted: Mike Robbins, “The Power of Appreciation”

In this humorous and thought-provoking talk at TEDxBellevue, Mike talks about “The Power of Appreciation.” As Mike discusses, there is an important distinction between “recognition” and “appreciation.” Leaders, teams, organizations, and individuals who understand this distinction can have much more impact, meaning, and productivity in their lives and with the people around them. He also discusses important research in the field of positive psychology that exemplifies the importance of appreciation.

Mike Robbins is a former professional baseball player and author. His work focuses on appreciation, teamwork, leadership and emotional intelligence.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.   The group watches a TED Talk and then discusses the ideas raised in the presentation.

Wednesday Evening Discussion Groups

Wednesday Evening Discussion Groups

During Lent the Wednesday Evening Study Group will take a break from studying the book of Genesis to spend six weeks engaged in reading and discussing the book Entering the Passion of JesusA Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week by  Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Sciences.

Professor Levine focuses on the history and literature surrounding the last days of Jesus’ life with the intent of deepening the student’s understanding of the risks involved in each day of Holy Week as well as the ethical and spiritual challenges these passages continue to raise.  In addition to the material found in the chapter we will read each week to prepare for class, the study includes a DVD lecture by Professor Levine who writes and speaks with wit, wisdom and deep compassion.  A significant portion of the 90 minute session is spent in group discussion but note that the title is A Beginner’s Guide so don’t feel you need to be a Biblical scholar to participate. The church has purchased books for the class and they are available in the church office.



Facilitated by Esther Ziegler; please contact her at estherrziegler@gmail.com  or Amy Aguilar in the church office if you plan to attend.