Tag: Fish Fry

Fish Fry

Fish Fry

The confirmation class will be putting on a Fish Fry each month during lent! The beneficiary of the funds is the ERUCC 275th Capital Campaign!

Fish and all the accompaniments.  Beverages to include: Water, Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks.

Price is $10 for adults and $7 for kids under 12.

In the  Downtown Community Room.

Open to the Public.

To buy tickets:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lenten-fish-fry-tickets-91995869121?fbclid=IwAR34QXhfCOq2BfqyHpO17FJfnf5kDN18DVo21Od4ZCJh2pfkCyl1f8qfw2M   We are also looking for volunteers to help. You can view these options and signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0545A8AE22ABFD0-erucc1 

If you are unable to attend, but still want to offer support, we can always use some funds to help offset the costs of purchasing all the food.